14. 03. 2007 -- 20:25
Re: Your E-mail Address has won Ars Electronica Prix prize.
Da musst ich weil lachen.
Das ist besser als der Montagabendquiz "Wer ist Andreas Broeckmann?" und
"Was ist Transmediale?".
Gern hätt ich noch gewusst, welche tolle email adresse das war?
> Ars Electronica Prix 2007.
> Ars Electronica Center Linz
> Hauptstraße 2
> 4040 Linz
> Austria
> Code: Prix
> Fax: 0043-732-7272-674
> We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer
> balloting held on the 27th this year. This is a Scientific Computer Art
> and Technology in which email addresses were used. It is a promotional
> Ars program aimed at encouraging internet users; Meaning, you do not
> need to buy ticket to enter for it. Your email account have been picked
> as one of the ten winning email address in 2007. Therefore you have
> been approve for the star prize of totalling 122,500 euros (Seven
> Hundred And seventy-seven Thousand euros Only).
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