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[thing-group] Received 28. 05. 2007 -- 11:41 from from

Re: sexualität und wahrheit

Auch das hier sehr passend:

Hi there,

I’m seeking a like-minded woman to share a disastrous 3-9 month
relationship with, ending in acrimony, emotional chaos, and possibly
legal proceedings.


I am looking for an attractive female who will at first give me
obsessive love, praise and devotion - but whose paranoia, self-loathing
and fear of rejection and abandonment will eventually lead her to
alternately push me away and pull me closer in a love/hate cycle that
will lead to infidelity, consensual sexual violence, and the eventual
emotional breakdown of one or other party - or if we’re lucky - both!

--> http://tinyurl.com/2tnqc6


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