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[thing-group] Received 19. 09. 2014 -- 14:33 from from

e57: Cosmic Monopoly on Sunday

Leute, geht mal zu e57. Kaum bekannt, aber wirklich einer der besten Kunsträume in Frankfurt. * * * * * * * Dear friends, Cosmic Monopoly, this sunday: A status update for the local Frankfurt group (and introduction for interested new students): Cosmic Monopoly Sept 21 17h Experimentalbüro e57 (e57.org) Elkenbachstr. 57 Frankfurt (Merianplatz U4) Robert Croker will give a status update/introduction to us on the project. Also present will be Dirk Engel to answer questions about the 'Future Of Media' project Also present will be Ifuz to answer questions about FUFF and all other projects You will be very welcome. *If you can't come but are interested anyway, please let us know. *And - there is also a non-local group. What is the Cosmic Monopoly Project? http://fuff.org/english.projects.cosmic_monopoly.html What is FUFF? http://fuff.org/english.about.summary.html Ifuz FUFF - Free University Frankfurt http://www.fuff.org <http://www.fuff.org/>; project: Cosmic Monopoly http://www.fuff.org/english.projects.cosmic_monopoly.html Robert Croker rob.croker [at] googlemail [dot]0 com FUFF contact: Ifuz Net Experimentalbuero e57 Elkenbachstr. 57 D-60316 Frankfurt ++49 69 163 6305551 ------------------------------------ Gesendet von: Stefan Beck <info [at] thing-frankfurt [dot]0 de> ------------------------------------

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