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- Fwd: [syndicate] [Fwd: [HMKV] History will repeat itself, PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, Juni-September 2007] (27. 05. 2007)
- OLDSCHOOL CRAP trudi.sozial <> sa. 10.09. - 21:00 (08. 09. 2005)
- The FAQ Catalogue of Net Art (04. 08. 2005)
- Cinematheque April 2005 (11. 04. 2005)
- Upcomming Dates/Damo Suzuki's NETWORK (16. 03. 2005)
- In March (14. 03. 2005)
- media flow. videoventure on electronic music. part II (07. 03. 2005)
- Cinematheque - launch of new VideoChannel edition (11. 02. 2005)