Einträge vom Montag, 28. Januar 2013
28. 01. 2013 11:49
Berlin. Pure butt hexylaldehyde: Scanner Camera, CoLaboRadio Slot, ...
Triple Bind Feature
Pure butt hexylaldehyde*
Hate being a creative? Double kids, no income? Are you a marginalised
hybrid media-pol activist who loves working for the fest factory? Hard
dealing with contras and dictions? Sexy but poor? Join the iMB Service
Dienst Center!
Daniel Temkin photographs people of Berlin. With his Graflex 4x5
monorail (9kg) camera with a flatbed scanner altered to function as
a camera back, static backgrounds remain clear, but people's images
distort, depending on how quickly they move. He presents outcomes of
a week at the King Kong Club, Brunnenstraße 173, 10119 Berlin-Mitte on
Fr., 01.02.2013 at 21:00 hrs.
CoLaboRadio got a 30-Minutes-Slot in Mitte at the King Kong Club in
Brunnenstr. between 9:30 and 10:00 pm on February 1st, 2013. A Friday
for senderberlin.org and we simply play tracks in order of the arrival.
fo1xcomn Sessions are Europe's hottest startup hub and SoundCloud's
Berlin office has the same decor and ... "Nehme jede Arbeit an".
Dienst-Tag, 29.1.2013 ~20:00-22:00 Uhr at Haus der Kulturen der Welt,
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, 10557 Berlin. See cardboard display.
* Wir schneiden den Rasen.
O CoLaboRadio giz Gesellschaft fuer
/|\ senderberlin.org Interventionistische
/\ www.radi0.tv Zusammenlohnarbeit