Einträge vom Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

[thing-group] Received 29. 01. 2013 17:06 from

fo1xcomn Sessions



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Tomorrow When Cultural Class Was War

fo1xcomn Sessions
An SEZ* without catch net on the table
for headphone splitters
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Tu., 29.01.2013, ~20:00-22:00 h
See cardboard display
NIP at Transmediale

"I was only looking for an opportunity playing my App."
* Special Economy Zone


1 Infinite Loop
2 Zuoxiao Zuzhou came to Beijing once with nothing but his guitar
3 Subjects of Desire
4 Nehme jede Arbeit an
5 Appppppppps
6 The Media Apocalypse of Flusser and the Trivial Time Technology
7 Slave to the Work Rhythm
8 Assembled in ....................... (<- Insert your hometown here)
9 The Deutsche Gesellschaft GmbH supports Communists?
10 Les creatives (?) a la lanterne
11 17
12 Flatrate A, Ab
13 I will not commit suicide

Audio-CD ebuyable here:

Sponsored by Gesellschaft fuer Interventionistische Zusammenlohnarbeit
(GIZ) and Deutsche Arme/e

HSKF + undergroundserver in coop with/mit bänd.org (? = Umlaut)

Tracks download via radi0.tv soon






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