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[thing-group] Received 07. 12. 2005 -- 16:06 from from

Fwd: [performance art network] Liebe zu Zeiten des Widerstands

> Von: beate zurwehme <beate [at] zurwehme [dot] org>
> Datum: 7. Dezember 2005 15:56:58 MEZ
> An: performance_art_network [at] yahoogroups [dot] com
> Betreff: [performance art network] Liebe zu Zeiten des Widerstands
> Antwort an: performance_art_network [at] yahoogroups [dot] com
> ladies and gentlemen,
> please let me introduce you to a new project run by jorgen sparwasser.
> the curators show:
> http://widerstands.de/objects/
> Liebe zu Zeiten des Widerstands – Eine programatische Intervention nach
> Regeln der Neuen Methode
> http://widerstands.de/
> thank you very much.
> yours truely
> beate zurwehme
> herderstr. 9, 61350 bad homburg v.d.h., germany, phone no.
> +49-177-8400827
> http://zurwehme.org/

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