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[thing-group] Received 16. 02. 2006 -- 22:18 from from

beate zurwehme : volume 4 : beate chills

here you are exactly correct! this is the side on which you finds for
what you search: without being received you find art, kunst and knust
which want to get it you times again so correctly excited. never was it
more simply to make the next visual experience! you simply search in
the enormous pictorial database and select the picture you pleases, and
then step with beate in contact!


new pictorial work by beate zurwehme!
view from the world of philipp zaiser
F r e a k O u t !
series of 87 digital photos
each 160 x 120 pixel


listen to the word of beate z.! full-length aspect magazine interview in
Beate Zurwehme: De Grosze Matze Smid
edited by stefan beck and the grrrlz
merve, Berlin 2005

beate zurwehme, herderstr. 9, 61350 bad homburg v.d.h.
germany, phone no. +49-177-8400827
contact, beate(at)zurwehme.org %@@@@. %@@@@

Zen und Kunst. Zeremonielle in der Gegenwartskunst, München 1997
Dankräume, in: Thomas Erdelmeier, Figuren, Filderstadt 1993
Der Flaum vor den Kameras: Die Videokunst, in: Die Bibliothek, Kunst
und Kultur, Brockhaus, Bd. 6, Mannheim 1999
sowie zahlreiche Aufsätze zu zeitgenössischen KünstlerInnen (u.a. Bill
Koons, Eija-Lisa Parastou, Bad Kleinen).

| interlinking of media
| practice with gender related issues

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