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[thing-group] Received 24. 04. 2006 -- 17:17 from from

Re: Heute chat auf postautonomy.co.uk

herr beck, das sind doch nicht sie. aber wer sind sie wirklich?

Am 24.04.2006 um 15:39 schrieb Stefan Beck:

Weekly Monday chatroom event

Start: 2006-04-24 20:00
End: 2006-04-24 22:00
Timezone: Etc/GMT

A discussion around topical issues generated by recent material and
issues on Post Autonomy. Every one is invited to join in or propose
issues for discussion.

Proposed issue for discussion: - "What is the role of non - Post
Autonomous issues, critique of Post Autonomy, or counter Post Autonomous
positions, within the framework of Post Autonomy?"


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Stefan Beck | Hohenstaufenstr. 8 | 60327 Frankfurt | +49-69-7410210
Multi.trudi artspace and mediabase works @ http://www.multitrudi.de

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