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[thing-group] Received 30. 09. 2006 -- 10:31 from from

Fwd: Bastard Art Gallery opened on 20 september 2006

The Bastard Art Gallery opened its space on 20 september 2006 to a
selected crowd of bootleg, mash-up and remix art-lovers.



While our striking hostesses served exquisite drinks supplied by our
sponsors (Veuve Cliquot, Johnnie Walker and Martini), every room of the
premises was open for the public. The photo ops were many, the
bastardly celebs select! On hand were a who's who of the artworld power
plays and a lot of very caring, generous persons who truly love the
bootlegged arts.
A selection of photos from the opening event are available at our


The term Bootleg may refer to an otherwise unavailable audio or video
recording of a performance that was not officially released by the
artist or under other legal authority, distributed without the artist's
consent. The first bootleg was "The Basement Tape" from Bob Dylan,
released in 1969 (Jerry Hopkins. "'New' Dylan Album Bootlegged in LA.',
Rolling Stone, 20 September 1969, pp. 5-6). "Bootleg" may also refer to
bootleg liquor, an alcoholic beverage sold without regard to legal
regulations and taxes. In the early 2000s, "bootleg" became an
alternate term for "mash-ups" or "bastard pop". Mash-up is a musical
genre which, in its purest form, consists of the combination (usually
by digital means) of the music from one song with the acappella from
another. Typically, the music and vocals belong to completely different
genres. At their best, bastard pop songs strive for musical epiphanies
that add up to considerably more than the sum of their parts. A Remix
is an alternate version of a song different from the original version.
It can often include 'featured' artists. A song is often remixed to
extend its popularity or to give a song that wasn't popular a second
chance. Remixes are 'the norm' in modern dance music allowing one song
the ability to appeal across many different musical genres or
The general "mash-up" idea also had some origins through painter and
writer Brion Gysin who fully developed the "cut-up" method of writing
and painting after accidentally discovering it at the Beat Hotel in
Paris on 20 september 1959. He had placed layers of newspapers as a
matt to protect a tabletop from being scratched while he cut papers
with a razor blade. Upon cutting through the newspapers, Gysin noticed
that the sliced layers offered interesting juxtapositions. He began
deliberately cutting newspaper articles into sections, which he
randomly rearranged. His book "Minutes to Go" resulted from his initial
cut-up experiment: unedited and unchanged cut-ups which emerged as
coherent and meaningful prose. Gysin introduced writer William S.
Burroughs to the technique and the pair later applied it to printed
media and audio recordings in an effort to decode the material's
implicit content, hypothesizing that such a technique could be used to
discover the true meaning of a given text. Burroughs also suggested
cut-ups may be effective as a form of divination saying, "Perhaps
events are pre-written and pre-recorded and when you cut word lines the
future leaks out".

Our main focus at the Bastard Art Gallery is "Diggin' for Gordon". On
20 feb 2006 the digging of a hole started at an unknown location. It is
a tribute to Gordon Matta-Clark who made his last monumental work
"Office Baroque" in Antwerp in 1978. The hole is 130 x 130 cm and cuts
through the basement floor of a brick building, the earth is shoveled
into buckets and hauled up by use of a pulley. At first the earth was
dumped at a container park, then some of it was distributed in the
performance "13 Galleries and only One DDV in town" and recently it is
used to fill up "James Lee Byars' Tomb". The diggin' action is visible
24 hours a day through a webcam. To enlighten the action "Dan Flavin is
descending steps into Hell" by a row of slant placed fluorescent
lights. Since 16 september 2006 our featured artist is checking the
obituaries in the newspaper to see if On Kawara is still alive. The
newspaper pages with the obituaries are pasted onto a memorial slab and
pictures thereof are posted onto a weblog.

The Bastard Art Gallery provides you with full access to the "Diggin'
for Gordon" webcam still images, movies and sound from our website. We
also offer previously unreleased documentation on all related projects
and full covering of the events happening in the near future.

On the opening night there was a 'Re-Formance' of Terry Fox' "Corner
Push", originally performed at Reese Palley in San Francisco in 1970.
You can watch the video on our website in the 'events' section.


The afterparty to the Bastard Art Gallery opening event was enlighened
with an audio-illustrative diggin' set from none other but Carl
Carl travelled all the way West from his native village Mirwart in the
Belgian Ardennes with two turntables and a microphone, cassette players
and a synthesizer to trash the party. For the sake of history he
recorded his set onto a good old & trustworthy C-90 audio-cassette for
all you to play in your walkmen or car stereos while cruising the
streets to pick up some girls or boys that went astray on this flat,
flat planet.
Since Carl is such a fan of the Bastard Art Gallery's sole artist, he
decided to make this set into a kind of illustrative tribute of the
recent projects on show. Each song represents one way or another some
of the latest pieces, maybe they might even lift some of the veils that
shroud them in mystery....
You can download the DJ-set from our website, just use "Beate" as a
password to retrieve the file.

For more information on our projects, events, text and info please
check our website at the url below or contact Holly at the Bastard Art



The whole world looks like a wurst imbiß on berger str
|||||||| GOODMAN QUICK is http://069recorded.de/ ||||||||

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