Einträge vom Donnerstag, 04. August 2005
04. 08. 2005 16:57
The FAQ Catalogue of Net Art
The FAQ Catalogue of Net Art
based upon the différance © löser-schmidt series
+ + + + +
Q: What role does time play in your life?
A: The projects normative bebilderung* and stolen reality** pick up
every moment for documentability, whithout any chose of special or
significant moments, every document (movie or still picture) represents
the whole set of moments within our (respective my) time.
Q. How is your project lifetime from a collection?
A. Collections should be sorted, and in this way a collection
represents an act of selection. my life documents a spur changing
between time and room.
Q: What is the significance of “more” in your life?
A: The more in my life is a little feeling of eternity, because it has
no significat beginning or end. projects accompany my life and work, my
environment, thoughts and small views.
Q: What will you do with your accumulates after the second show?
A. The projects will be going further at the web.
Q: What are the folds of holy picture reflection and where do they
overlap themselves with textures of the environment?
A: Perceptions of sense landscapes change themselves off with
observations more spatially, more socially and for inter+subjective
relations, which develops at the edges of the tactile matrix.
Q: How does your project explore the physical and/or symbolic
possibilities of your accumulates?
A: Well, the pictures in this program (pinguinismus.de) examine the
new abstract Extensionen, which develop in remnants of utopian
visualization and abandoned memory modules in dynamic Clustern. found
1994, designated the label penguinism in Frankfurt/Main after the
philosophical paper of the same name on Gilles Deleuze and Felix
Guattari. Penguinism produced pictures beyond the art scene. When
stylistic alternative to the slowly arising medium and InterNet art as
well as to intelligently mobile was established picture community,
which formed in England around the label atmville.orgund its Artificial
Intelligence of series, penguinism as innovative Environment label,
which offered a platform to electronic projects and artists of
experimental picture compositions. Penguinism is located itself in the
tradition line of the electronic avant-garde art, since that the 2.
World war out-differentiated. Particularly the french school of the
electrical connection artists around Augusts Kitschwasser and Edouard
k-Sparkoenig as well as the scene around the Cologne based WDR studio,
which founds stick living and Pleitgen, prove approximately as
Penguinism sets of them esthetics for one of the tonylity and
Darblehre relerased ikonoklastic wwhite noise art away, which works
consciously with happenings and errors. A visual extension takes place
by the argument with the possibilities of digital imaging. the esthetic
of penguinism is related on the other page of the electronic art, which
accepts the late 80ies / early 90ies into the 1970 years with power
station shape and starting from years with the arising of BBS and
InterNet the Popdiskurs begins to dominate.
Aspects like the functionality of picture and the questioning the
author shank came into the foreground and become crucial disticntion
criteria of a new interpretation of Popkultur. Penguinism continues
working in the project of the electronic avant-garde art, but under the
signs of the Popdiskurse. The art / the label is given by the reference
to postmodernism of theorems among other things not least an image,
which makes these attractive for the feuilleton. Course-sharpening does
one say that the appeal on the theory as increase in value one not less
Glamour-factor throws off.
For 10 years penguinism however represents all the development of
experimental electronic and digital art should be affected
internationally lastingly, be announced until in the year 2004, due to
the artistic bankruptcy of its Mentors Tobias Rehberger, insolvency
had. After the end of penguinism has founder Jorgen Sparwasser invented
three new labels, pisco.inc., Molecular Trash Guerilla and Herr Mika
Resistance, with which he of project of penguinism under ddiscoursive,
political and musical conditions 21. Century to update wants. Pictorial
deserts and sensibility are text and picture vehicles, which the
audience on a journey by the universe Frankfurt electrical art labels
of the penguinism as well as its successor carries forward.
Here the specific mediality is produced medium artists by penguinism
in form of the InterNet feature, which is represented at the same time
as diversive archives, in order it its medial conserved form to
alienate. Pictorial deserts and sensibilities draw here nevertheless
the picture of a specific act of the Popkultur of the last ten years
after, for its product them are at the same time be-under-painted these
theory and sound performance by the video series NORMATIVE ILLUSTRATING
(penguinism Media, 2004) of Jorgen Sparwasser, last year's ars
electronica winner.
greetings from germany
he tears comsume
+ + + + +
* web archives of normative bebilderung:
Vol. 4 _
featured by kunstradio.at
Vol. 3 _
Studio Adorno
Vol. 2 _
Applied Net Sciences
Vol. 1 _
the beginning
** stolen reality trashcam picture archive:
+ + + + +
previous project:
the pre-scripts of normative bebilderung
please see also related issues
------__ K F 0 R \-----------------------
Balkan network for video net and media art
information + archive: http://onomastik.de
| || | thing-net.de/cms
Neoliberales Denken & beyond
commercial use without written permission
04. 08. 2005 16:53
Text Ende der Ausstellungskunst
Mein Vortrag, den ich im Juni an der Städelschule gehalten habe, liegt jetzt
online vor:
Da es sehr viel text ist, habe ich auch eine PDF version zum download
The Thing Frankfurt http://www.thing-frankfurt.de
Thing Mailinglist: mailto:thing-frankfurt-subscribe [at] yahoogroups [dot] com
Stefan Beck | Hohenstaufenstr. 8 | 60327 Frankfurt | +49-69-7410210
Multi.trudi artspace and mediabase works @ http://www.multitrudi.de
04. 08. 2005 01:58
Re: MMK war: Aw: Kein Betreff
> ...und das mmk wird schamlos ausgenutzt von einem Bock, der das
> Lebenswerq von Jean Claude FanDamm zerstört.
wieso; hat der kittel- die plattensammlung von frau mann
rausgeschmissen? oder muszte frau kunizwo etwa ihr date painting wieder
rausrücken? merke: der kasper ist nicht kasper, weil er sich wie ein
kasper benimmt, sondern weil die anderen ihn als einen solchen
a propos. wo ist eigentlich DER KASPERL?!?