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[thing-group] Received 13. 03. 2006 -- 20:59 from from

zampa, anna and i went to balcan


zampa, anna and i went to balcan
fighting the monochrome army of loverz

who killed mr. moonlight?
1. anna balint
2. daniel birnbaum
3. beate zurwehme
4. anna freud
5. christian schroeder
6. martin heidegger
7. lasse-marc riek
8. ryfylke
9. stroem

please visit also:
new photoworks by anna balint from the zampa front

braunau 7360
2006, conceptual photowork, schirn frankfurt
30 lightboxes, each 240cm x 180cm


anna balint
2003-2006, conceptual work, mmk frankfurt and ars electronica linz
26 lightboxes, each 320cm x 240cm
jeff wall scholarship 2003


nice greetings
beate z.

| interlinking of media
| practice with gender related issues

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