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[thing-group] Received 23. 03. 2006 -- 15:16 from from

Fwd: [Reader-list] Fwd: Fwd: [syndicate] Fwd: Museum of World

Nonprofit organisation established to preserve Web sites by taking
regular ;snapshots;.
http://archive.bibalex.org, the Internet archive at the New Library of
Alexandria, ... Contact the Archive-It team for more details about
subscribing. ...
Provides 441 online works of classical literature with a powerful
search facility. A booklist links directly to relevant pages in online


beate zurwehme <beate [at] zurwehme [dot] org> wrote:
> Quoting "ctgr-pavu.com" <ctgr [at] free [dot] fr>:
>> http://zurwehme.org/DSC06410.JPG
>> cr=E9tin
> why "fold" ?
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