23. 05. 2006 -- 16:16
2nd international string summit 25.mai 2006//21:00
25. mai 2006
2nd international string summit
music for one |
fnessnej |
sparwasser rocksystem |
lasse-marc riek |
MUSIC FOR ONE is stark and simple guitar motifs that draw melodic
inspiration from old acoustic blues and Erik Satie. They mingle with a
modern experimental aesthetic that is created live in front of the
audience with a guitar, effects, and bits from the hardware store. As
chaotic as the times we live in, it can change at any given moment,
effects boxes twisting the emotive tones into a cavernous roar of
feedback and throbbing clicks. Light and dark, loud and quiet, it’s
somewhat comforting to know that a guitar can still confuse and enchant
an audience. MUSIC FOR ONE is Sherry, a Canadian now living in London,
and she has played on bills alongside artists such as AGF, Sunn0))) and
Hanged Up. In Autumn 2005 she toured the UK with cellist, Bela Emerson.
Available for the tour will be a newly released 3" CD from the Japanese
label, Duotone, featuring a remix by Justin of Do Make Say Think. She
also has a 7" record on Seren Records and 3 self-released CDs with the
newest album "OKeh" reviewed in the April 2006 issue of the Wire
magazine. MUSIC FOR ONE, will be performing as part of a collaborative,
interactive visual project with video artist Mari King and
animator/artist Neng Yu.
FNESSNEJ instrumentalmusik.elektronik.postrock ++ darmstadt.köln ++
SPARWASSER ROCKSYSTEM Jorgen Sparwasser (PhD) was born 1965 in
Frankfurt/Main and works and lives now in Fredersdorf near Berlin
(Germany). He is an independent curator and author focussing on media
art, net cultures in Central Europe. After spending four years in Paris
(1982-86) he studied European Cultural Studies, Arts, Political
Science, and Art History at the Free University Schkeuditz and The
University of Hogestraat (M. Weiss scholarship 1992); 1996 M.A. thesis
Neue Schkeuditzer Kunst (ZKM) – analysis of their artistic strategies
in the context of German Democratic Republic in the 1980s (published
2002). 1998–2000 PhD grant of the Berlin Senate (BaFöG). 2000–2001
lecturer at the Institute of Netzworks Culture at the S. Niederer
University, Gent, Belgium. 2002–2004 guest-lecturer at the Hochschule
für Gestaltung und Töpferei (HfG) Offenbach. In 2004 he completed his
PhD degree at the Institute of Schkeuditz, dependance of the Humboldt
University, Berlin, Germany. His dissertation, entitled Objects in the
Mirror may be Closer Than They Appear: Networks Cultures in a Ferrari's
Rear Window, researches a paradigmatic shift in the way artists reflect
the historical avantgarde and the notation of utopia in visual and
media art projects of the 1980s and 1990s in (ex-) German Democratic
Republic and Belarus.
LASSE-MARC RIEK plays post-rock from 1999-2006
eintritt 8 euro
tanzhaus west, gutleutstr. 294, frankfurt am main
s-bahn-station galluswarte oder 37er bus ab hauptbahnhof
das tanzhaus west ist teilweise barrierefrei erschlossen.
begleiter_innen von gästen mit behinderungen zahlen zu den
veranstaltunge im tanzhaus west keinen eintritt.
öffentlicher auftrag
dieses kulturprojekt wird gefördert vom
amt für wissenschaft und kunst frankfurt am main
multidisciplinary art
audio art::
fine arts::
lasse-marc riek
d-60329 frankfurt am main
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