26. 02. 2007 -- 17:29
AMVK's Berlinale 2006-2007
AMVK's Berlinale 2006-2007
• On friday 16 march 2007 two exhibitions by Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
(AMVK) will open in Berlin - at the DAAD galerie and at Galerie Barbara
• On Saturday 17 march 2007 BUM COLLAR play an exclusive concert in
the exhibition at Galerie Barbara Thumm.
• As of 26 march 2007 a 3-day program of AMVK films is shown at
Arsenal Kino.
Über das ICH
(Willkür und Transzendenz)
[and a lot of fun]
The exhibition in the DAAD Galerie focuses on recent paintings,
drawings and a new film.
Der Mensch, selbst.
Auf der einen Seite, das Positive, das Eine.
Auf der anderen Seite, das Negative, das Andere.
Auf der Höhe des Schambeins: Der Horizont.
Der Horizont,
mit der bewegten Sonne und der ruhenden Erde,
bestimmt das Bewusstsein,
die Perspektive der Dualitäten.
Oberhalb des Horizonts ist es hell und gut.
Unterhalb des Horizonts ist es dunkel und gefährlich.
Wo Licht Bewegung und Veränderung bringt, ist es gut.
Wo die Dinge still stehen, müssen wir uns selbst bewegen...
Über dem Horizont die Sonne, der Mond, die Sterne,
die unregelmäßig und doch in stetem Rhythmus kommen und gehen.
Doch unter dem Horizont lebt man voneinander.
Noch weiter weg schwelt unter den Füssen das Feuer.
Und sonst ist alles Druck.
Und Gegendruck.
AMVK. Berlin.2.6.6 (German translation by Verena Kuni)
More info on "AMVK in Berlin"
Opening reception on friday 16 march 2007 from 18.00 till 21.00hrs.
Berlin Artist-in-Residence Programme
Zimmerstrasse 90/91 - 10117 Berlin.
U-Bahn Stadtmitte / Kochstrasse.
Exhibition from 17 march till 28 april 2007
mo-sa 11.00 till 18.00hrs.
Phone + 49/30/261 36 40
Oh, the Sick Lady / Ah, the Sick Lady
(Explodes from Within)
The exhibition in Galerie Barbara Thumm and focuses on paintings,
drawings and computer films.
Ihre jüngste Ausstellung "Oh the sick Lady - Ah the sick Lady (Explodes
from Within)" vereint die sicherlich persönlichste Werkgruppe der
Antwerpener Künstlerin und entstand während eines einjährigen
DAAD-Stipendiums in Berlin. Die Erfahrung der räumlichen Distanz hat
starken Niederschlag in den neuen Arbeiten gefunden: in den vier
präsentierten Leuchtkästen sind die Innenräume nun nicht mehr Bühnen
zur Entfaltung abstrakter Gedankenwelten, sondern psychogrammatische
Architektur, in die sich die Befindlichkeiten der Künstlerin
wortwörtlich einschreiben.
(excerpt from press text by Astrid Mania)
Full text at "AMVK in Berlin"
Opening reception on friday 16 march 2007 from 18.00 till 21.00hrs.
Performance by Bum Collar on saturday 17 march 2007 at 21.00hrs.
Galerie Barbara Thumm
Dircksenstrasse 41 - 10178 Berlin.
S-Bahn Alexanderplatz / Hackescher Markt.
Exhibition from 17 march till 21 april 2007
tue-fr 11.00 till 18.00hrs / sa 13.00 till 18.00hrs.
Phone + 49/30/283 90 347
Bum Collar
On the occasion of these exhibitions the experimental noise band BUM
COLLAR will play in Galerie Barbara Thumm on saturday 17 march 2007.
Bum Collar is an experimental music band rooted within former
industrial noise pioneer band "Club Moral". They premiered at Museum
Serralves in Porto and played at the Dampfzentrale in Bern.
• AMVK: Visuals & electronics.
• DDV: Voice & effects
• Mauro Pawlowski: Guitar
• Paul Mennes: Browntones & engineering
Check out BUM COLLAR's "MySpace".
Performance by Bum Collar on saturday 17 march 2007 at 21.00hrs.
Galerie Barbara Thumm
Dircksenstrasse 41 - 10178 Berlin.
S-Bahn Alexanderplatz / Hackescher Markt.
Exhibition from 17 march till 21 april 2007
tue-fr 11.00 till 18.00hrs / sa 13.00 till 18.00hrs.
Phone + 49/30/283 90 347
Films in Arsenal
As of 26 march 2007 several films will be shown at the Kino Arsenal.
The program lasts for 3 days and will focus on 4 programs: Club Moral
(6 films - 26/3 - 21.00hrs), Marc Vanrunxt (4 films - 28/3 - 19.00hrs),
Drawings/Art (6 films 28/3 - 21.00hrs) and House/Interiors/Computer
Films (9 films - 31/3 - 19.00hrs). All films will be introduced by
Full program at "AMVK in Berlin"
Arsenal Kino
Potsdamer Strasse 2 - 10785 Berlin.
U-Bahn / S-Bahn Potsdamer Platz
Phone + 49/30/26955 100
Chapter of Opening the Mouth of Time
Is a a non-stop digital vortex for which AMVK intercuts the images of
her AntiSade Press Calendar for 2007 with 365 snapshots, more images,
notes, words and things from her DAAD-residence in Berlin.
When I was about 40 I made a book, sort of an agenda, that I called
"Belgian Spleen". Therein I selected thoughts and notes from the past
15 years (1975-1991). I catalogued those writings according to the days
of the year they appeared to me. This I did to see if certain thoughts
reoccur and evolute related to the seasons. This to find more insight
in my inner chaos, where thoughts are hormonally steered, and that is
not only a female reality. I know that thoughts are matter, in an other
mode of existence. They transform and morph themselves with what enters
as daily information, together with what reverberates in memory and
That is also the reason why I repeat the words every month on the same
day in "Chapter of Opening the Mouth of Time". To use the arbitrarity
of language and name-giving as a nutritive element. As a living element
indeed, because every time you see a word reappearing in an other
context, at a likely moment in time, something moves on in the brain.
That brain tries to intercept a story and a dimension that intrigues.
That story and that dimension make the spectator move on. On that
moment I also happen to become a spectator. Whilst working I see that
this mode of operating parries every moralistic prejudice, which is
right away the creative part of the venture.
"Chapter of Opening the Mouth of Time" is also available as a daily
Website AMVK in Berlin
All this information is also available in extended form on a special
website about AMVK in Berlin which will be frequently updated.
For those willing to make an exciting and worthwile citytrip, we have
also included some tips about flights, trains & buses to Berlin, as
well as hotels and apartments for short terms.
Website "AMVK in Berlin"
We hope to see you!