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[thing-group] Received 02. 09. 2009 -- 14:48 from from


Hallo Nicole,

danke für die Grüsse von der Ruhr.

Bei der Gelegenheit muß ich mal fragen, ob hier irgendjemand in der
Runde schonmal bei so einer Aussschreibung erfolgreich war?

Ohne jemanden aus der Jury zu kennen oder sonst mit dem Projekt
verbunden zu sein.

Ich jedenfalls nicht.


> fyi
> viele grüsse, nicole. vom LeMuZi
> und nun aus der künftigen Metropole Ruhr
>> Newsletter - 1 September 2009
>> Deadline for submissions approaching - 15 September 2009
>> ISEA2010 RUHR is the 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art, a
>> major conference and exhibition event for art, media and technology,
>> scheduled for 20-29 August 2010 in the German Ruhr region (Dortmund,
>> Essen, Duisburg, a. o.).
>> We invite proposals for conference papers, artist presentations,
>> exhibition projects, live performances, and art projects in public space.
>> Visual artists, musicians, dancers, designers, engineers, software
>> artists, researchers, theorists, media activists, and hybrids of
>> these, working with recent technologies and exploring the artistic,
>> creative and critical potentials of digital and electronic media,
>> should submit their projects or papers online by 15 September 2009.
>> The submission platform of ISEA2010 RUHR is available at
>> http://www.isea2010ruhr.org/submissions
>> All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international jury. The
>> results of the jury process and invitations for ISEA2010 RUHR are
>> expected by the end of 2009. Successful submissions will published in
>> the proceedings.

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