01. 09. 2009 -- 20:57
[ISEA2010 RUHR] ISEA2010 RUHR - Call for submissions - deadline 15 Sept.
viele grüsse, nicole. vom LeMuZi
und nun aus der künftigen Metropole Ruhr
> Newsletter - 1 September 2009
> Deadline for submissions approaching - 15 September 2009
> ISEA2010 RUHR is the 16th International Symposium on Electronic Art, a
> major conference and exhibition event for art, media and technology,
> scheduled for 20-29 August 2010 in the German Ruhr region (Dortmund,
> Essen, Duisburg, a. o.).
> We invite proposals for conference papers, artist presentations,
> exhibition projects, live performances, and art projects in public space.
> Visual artists, musicians, dancers, designers, engineers, software
> artists, researchers, theorists, media activists, and hybrids of
> these, working with recent technologies and exploring the artistic,
> creative and critical potentials of digital and electronic media,
> should submit their projects or papers online by 15 September 2009.
> The submission platform of ISEA2010 RUHR is available at
> All submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international jury. The
> results of the jury process and invitations for ISEA2010 RUHR are
> expected by the end of 2009. Successful submissions will published in
> the proceedings.
> Note: Please, note that there will not be a second general call like
> this. If you want to submit to ISEA2010, please, submit by 15 September!
> Detailed information about the submission process can be found at:
> Contact: call [at] isea2010ruhr [dot] org
> You can also download the
> flyer
> <>
> and poster
> <>
> for printing and further distribution.
> ISEA2010 RUHR is a project of the European Capital of Culture,
> RUHR.2010, and is hosted by Medienwerk NRW. ISEA2010 RUHR is organised
> under the auspices of the ISEA Foundation and is funded by RUHR.2010,
> the State Chancellory of North Rhine Westphalia, and the City of
> Dortmund.