07. 06. 2005 -- 16:52
Fwd: [transmediale] news: tm.05 photo documentation online / Raw Data continues
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> Von: transmediale <info [at] transmediale [dot] de>
> Datum: 7. Juni 2005 16:08:18 MESZ
> An: newsletter [at] transmediale [dot] de
> Betreff: [transmediale] news: tm.05 photo documentation online / Raw
> Data continues
> Antwort an: info [at] transmediale [dot] de
> **************************************************
> Newsletter vom 7.6.2005
> Photo-Dokumentation transmediale.05 ist online
> **************************************************
> Die Fotodokumentation der transmediale.05 von Jonathan Groeger ist nun
> online
> auf
> The photo documentation of transmediale.05 by Jonathan Groeger is
> online at:
> Bestellungen und Informationen / Orders and information:
> Jonathan Groeger
> +49(0)160 66 711 37
> jd [at] gate111 [dot] com
> **************************************************
> RAW DATA Installation by continues
> The Installation RAW DATA by the Berlin based collective visomat inc.
> shows the machine-like character of a modern-day office building. RAW
> DATA also allows this machine to interact with its environment. The
> Installation plays with traces left behind by the building, users of
> the building, and the urban surroundings; making this data accessible
> through various visualisations. One finds RAW DATA broadcasting the
> immediate enviroment as a black and white picture, filmed by three
> installed cameras and transformed into ASCII-Code - the original code
> of machine communication.
> Activating the installation starts with a toll free call to the
> number 0800-RAWDATA (0800-7293282); first, a sign-board displays the
> conditions: Climate, Energy, Communication, Motion and Noise. Then,
> every condition can individually be expanded and different data from
> the building and its enviroment is broadcast on different screens.
> After this screening, one can choose the next condition, using his
> mobile phone as a remote control. The data is put into graphs and
> tables and presented on large displays close to the pavement. In this
> installation, the blue-colored condition - Climate, shows the current
> temperature inside the building, and the green-colored condition -
> Communication, shows the accumulated amount of outgoing e-mails.
> Parallel to this, a second display shows data from outside:
> temperature and humidity. Bluetooth devices nearby will be displayed
> on the Communication table.
> Also, the silver screens above the entrance door, and projections
> inside the building, show relevant video to support the given graphs
> and tables. These videos fit in the color range of the conditions,
> thus the whole building appears in one dominate color range. The
> content of these videos deals with the building itself and allows an
> inside view of the SAP headquarters. Arranged with icons and
> grid-pattern graphics, RAW DATA generates a literal articulation of
> data from the building, the enviroment, and its use, and offers it to
> the public. The media/data architecture initiates an opening of the
> building, dissolving the barrier between indoors and outdoors. This
> installation requires passers-by and visitors to read these
> representations and to interact with the building.
> RAW DATA was curated by transmediale in close connection with SAP to
> offer a media art platform for presentation and exchange in Berlin.
> Visit the installation at
> Rosenthaler Str. 30 / U-Weinmeisterstr.
> 10178 Berlin
> transmediale ist ein Projekt der Berliner Kulturveranstaltungs-GmbH.
> transmediale wird gefoerdert durch die Kulturstiftung des Bundes.
> transmediale is hosted by Berliner Kulturveranstaltungs-GmbH.
> transmediale is supported by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> transmediale.06 - 3 - 7 february 2006
> festival for art and digital culture berlin
> ---------------------------------------------------
> transmediale - Klosterstr.68-70 - 10179 Berlin
> tel. +49 (0)30.24749-761 fax. +49 (0)30.24749-814
> info [at] transmediale [dot] de -
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals
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> international media art festival berlin
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