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[thing-group] Received 13. 10. 2006 -- 20:50 from from

Fwd: Vacuum Cleaner Art CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

“Our Man in Havana” Call for Submissions
The Vacuum Cleaner in Art
To be exhibited at Gallery Aferro in Spring 2007

Gallery Aferro
73 Market Street
Newark NJ 07102


Please see our submission guidelines on the website
Send to newark [at] aferro [dot] org

Call for art in any and all media dealing with:

Vacuum cleaners

Vacuum cleaning

Small appliances and women
Women’s work (do only women do it?)

Industrial and consumer design
Appliances as commodities
Commodities, marketing and consumer desires, fears

Fear of dirt (disease, chaos)
Fear of being dirty

What gets vacuumed (or resists being vacuumed)?

Dust, dirt and

Hair, once it isn’t attached to our bodies

The microscopic world: the unseen, critters and other things (see The
Secret House)

Labor of housecleaning: who does it, for free or for money?

The idea of a “vacuum”

Please submit work and/or proposals by Feb 15, 2007

Feel free to pass on this call

Send to newark [at] aferro [dot] org

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