Einträge vom Samstag, 13. Januar 2007

[thing-group] Received 13. 01. 2007 13:44 from

TOMORROW! radi0.tv "Freies Radio Kapital 7" http://www.gradio.org:7998/listen.pls

/\ radi0.tv


Su., 14.01.2007 about 21:00 h. "Free Radio Kapital 7". The reactivation
of the series on www.radi0.tv with computerized readings of all 3
volumes of Marx' _Das Kapital_ in approx. 64-66 broadcastings.

Do we still move from pure propaganda of a Free Radio Linux
(http://radioqualia.va.com.au/freeradiolinux), with the cosy mascot of
a believe in a new free business, to real agitation to write history
for economy-blind people?

radi0.tv @ globalRADIO


Very special thanx 2 mi_ga & various euro !

unterstuetzt von ..//modukit+spur mcguffin

Dank an DATAWERK und xpect-media.de
for a wurst imbiß on data str

[thing-group] Received 13. 01. 2007 13:16 from

Freundschaft 14.01.07

Freundschaft - eine Sendung für improvisierte, elektronische und experimentelle Konzerte live aus dem Radiostudio
Frequenzen: FM: 91,8; Kabel: 99.85
Live Stream: http://www.radiox.de/files/radiox.m3u

14.1.07 21-22Uhr
Tomislav Bucalic - Aidan Mark - Tobias Schmitt




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