Einträge vom Freitag, 05. Januar 2007

[thing-group] Received 05. 01. 2007 23:58 from

betacity, der nimmermüde quell von wahrheit, schönheit, sinnlichkeit

Den Arbeiten von Benjamin Fischer liegt ein ursprüngliches Interesse an
poetischen Erzählstrukturen zu Grunde.
Die Passage eines Ihrer Texte begründet gerade die poetische Verortung
Ihrer Position: "der Wunsch nach höher sein - zu einem menschlichen Maß
degradiert". Es drückt sich in dieser Gedankenskizze ein Sehnsuchtsmotiv
aus, das zum Anlass künstlerischer Produktion wird. Ihre Videos
formulieren die unüberbrückbare Diskrepanz zwischen der imaginären
Freiheit des Denkens und des Fühlens und der existenzgebundenen
Erdgebundenheit des Seins. Die Bücher der Künstlerin wenden sich an die
Sinnlichkeit der Wahrnehmung und appellieren an die assoziative Kraft


[thing-group] Received 05. 01. 2007 08:37 from

---- spur mcguffin experience at zucker 3 ----


Folgende Veranstaltung beachten, besuchen und bejubeln.

Besten Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit
ts --> http://radio.acrylnimbus.de


Zucker 3
Naxosgelaende (Wittelsbacher Allee 29, Frankfurt am Main)
Tür: 20Uhr; Beginn: 21.30Uhr
Eintritt: 5
Getränke selbst mitbringen!


spur mcguffin experience at zucker 3
jan 08th 2007
z u c k e r
@ n a x o s

at first sight visible commonplacenesses. still everything is correct:
apparently social control, private and public safety systems, complete
monitoring in all-highest dissolution. insurance and security agencies
provide for everything a solution. security seems available and
guarantees in the paradises of the controlfreaks. errors creep and
decompose the matrix. empty of sense, empty cases. disorientation in
the midst of order systems. deceiptful aesthetics cover susceptible
social systems and unstable environments. solvent borders between
lights will be artificially held alive. phantom views of political
realities. threat scenarios initiate themselves, the consulting
disaster ... spur mcguffin is 069recorded.de

Spur McGuffin is 0 6 9 r e c o r d e d

[thing-group] Received 05. 01. 2007 00:22 from

---- spur mcguffin experience at zucker 3 ----

spur mcguffin experience at zucker 3
jan 08th 2007
z u c k e r
@ n a x o s

at first sight visible commonplacenesses. still everything is correct:
apparently social control, private and public safety systems, complete
monitoring in all-highest dissolution. insurance and security agencies
provide for everything a solution. security seems available and
guarantees in the paradises of the controlfreaks. errors creep and
decompose the matrix. empty of sense, empty cases. disorientation in
the midst of order systems. deceiptful aesthetics cover susceptible
social systems and unstable environments. solvent borders between
lights will be artificially held alive. phantom views of political
realities. threat scenarios initiate themselves, the consulting
disaster ... spur mcguffin is 069recorded.de

Spur McGuffin is 0 6 9 r e c o r d e d

zucker XxXxXxX naxosgelaende (wittelsbacher allee 29, frankfurt am
main, germany) statt. XxXxXxX doorsr: 8:30 pm; begin: 9:00 pm XxXxXxX
contact: schmitt [at] acrylnimbus.de XxXxXxX keywords: gruenrekorder
XxXxXxX freundschaft XxXxXxX experimentalelektronik



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