03. 06. 2005 -- 22:42
Fwd: [betacity] DJ gesucht
herr beck, das schreit geradezu nach ihrer bewerbung.
> Von: "office" <office [at] shinkara [dot] com>
> Datum: 3. Juni 2005 09:07:36 MESZ
> An: <betacity [at] betacity-lists [dot] de>
> Betreff: [betacity] DJ gesucht
> Antwort an: webmaster [at] shinkara [dot] com
> Dear BetaCity Friends,
> We are looking for a scratching DJ
> for dance music on 23 July
> at a Japanese-American-Turkish-German wedding
> in Stuttgart-Degerloch
>> From around 23:00 to 2:00.
> Also glad to have a second person for visuals
> We like R&B, black, electronica,
> maybe a little jungle, techno or house
> If you are available
> and if before that you have a date when we can come listen to your
> music,
> please contact Metin Kara: metin [at] shinkara [dot] com
> We'd like to come hear you and chat with you!
> Metin & Joyce
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> Listenadresse: betacity [at] betacity-lists [dot] de
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