16. 07. 2005 -- 16:44
Best of _ Normative Bebilderung _ Vol. 1-3
__ _ _ Normative Bebilderung _
Disposition et de la Documentation des Organismes Vivants et de Chose
Vol. 3 _ feat. Aust & Beck @
Studio Adorno (volume-free)
__ _ _ Neoliberales Denken & beyond
Vol. 2 _ Applied Net Sciences
Vol. 1 _ feat. "März – Die Reise" ["On tour"]
__ _ _ by Ekkehard Ehlers & Gutzeit Vesper
__ _ _ 2003 I began my environment, the world by means of normative
illustrating more banker, solicitor, artist, conference thieves, to
document systematically; the minute of a memory trace, which live
themselves by a city and many pulls. the project was final after 9
months: in this time interval of relieving a comprehensive came video
archives, which can be durchforstet and regarded until today in the
net, to the completion, which documented a whole generation of humans,
who live and work in Frankfurt/Main, in its time. 2004 transformed
normative illustrating on a metaebene: not video archiving in the net
as documentary act was the center of attention, but the film-artistic
argument with the topic of videodocumentary work in reflects further
updating archives filmed separated from sujets and began themselves an
independent existence, further however the world of the artists
exemplary for a kind humans circling and in this at motives serving.
parallel to it normative illustrating entered the even the
neokonserevativen festivalkultur: beside the continuously developed
dokumentarreihe was presented particulars to videowork on film and
kunstfilmfestivals abroad the in and as well as the conceptional work
in to frame by exhibitions were internationally appreciated.
__ _ _ Jorgen Savings-water, in December 2004 gewidmet!!!
artist's web stationery
__ _ _ expresses modern culture imbecility
each time, if it itself before something finds, which over small
schrumpfhirne that one goes out, which it fancies that, in order to
penetrate in domain the culture, which necessary condition is that they
do not desire anything in any seize, it would humanize – slavoj zizek