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[thing-group] Received 26. 08. 2005 -- 02:12 from from

InterNet feature

For 10 years normative bebilderung 1] however represents all the
development of experimental electronic and digital art should be
affected internationally lastingly, be announced until in the year
2004, due to the artistic bankruptcy of its Mentors Tobias Rehberger,
insolvency had. After the end of normative bebilderung has founder
Jorgen Sparwasser invented three new labels, stolen reality pictures,
Modern Trash Guerilla and Hosij Mika, with which he of project of
normative bebilderung under discoursive, political and musical
conditions 21. Century to update wants. Pictorial deserts and
sensibility are text and picture vehicles, which the audience on a
journey by the universe Frankfurt electrical art labels of the
normative bebilderung as well as its successor carries forward.

schroeder last at curmbox 2]

archiv fuer kontemplative bewegtbilddokumentation


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