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[thing-group] Received 11. 10. 2005 -- 10:11 from from

heute: fear falls burning

Fear Falls Burning - vidnaObmana's alter ego idedicated to the
expansive tonal character of the electric guitar. vidnaObmana
reinvented himself within this new persona, to avoid obvious and easy
comparisons with vidna's existing works and projects. This album
contains real-time performances on the electric guitar and vintage and
contemporary guitar pedal effects, without post-production editing or
additional overdubs. Through the unique wiring of these guitar pedal
effects, its single performed guitarchord multiplies and shifts over
time into dense and trance-inducing walls of sound. Due to an ongoing
fascination for tube and old transitor radio-like mono sounds, the
electric guitar is performed in such a way that the music sounds
deliberately old and monotonous. All clicks, ticks and cracks are part
of the real-time performance, delving into that fine musical line where
lo-fi, instrumental post-rock, avant-garde, experimental and industrial

Fear Falls Burning - a crossing between the looping of Fripp & Eno's No
Pussyfooting and the power dynamics of Sunn O)))


11. oktober 2005
fear falls burning [belgium]
21:00 | tanzhaus west
tanzhaus west, gutleutstr. 294, frankfurt am main
s-bahn-station galluswarte oder 37er bus ab hauptbahnhof
eintrittt 5 euro

frankfurter forum für elektronische und neue musik


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