18. 10. 2005 -- 00:23
frankfurter forum für elektronische und neue musik
frankfurter forum für elektronische und neue musik
tanzhaus west, gutleutstr. 294, frankfurt am main
s-bahn-station galluswarte oder 37er bus ab hauptbahnhof
dienstag, 18. oktober 2005
zwei herzen schlagen super
linus volkmann
kerstin grether
intro | buchmesse
21:00 | tanzhaus west
eintrittt 6 euro
mittwoch, 19. oktober 2005
oscotarach minifestival
carsten vollmer
hidden technology
spherical disrupted
Skalpell from Zürich (Switzerland) which roots in the so-called
„Industrial Music“ of the early 1990ies. Skalpell have travelled far
through the sub-styles of this genre: from harsh-noise walls to Dark
Ambient with occasional quotes of popular musical elements. The project
was founded in 1995 to transfer the anticipated reality into an
adequate musical context. Skalpell is trying to project and dissect
images from subconsciousness to an audible level. The band is reknown
from their Mini-Clubhit “Wasserleiche” and from their highly successful
album “In Between”.
Carsten Vollmer – uncomprehensible dense and murderous squeechings,
knockings, bone-sawings. A huge carpet of ant-like noises. Terms like
beauty, asthetics or musical standards are simply ignored. There is no
evidence that these thick layerings of eletronic, yelling sounds
represent violence - this sound doesn't remind oneself of war. It
rather resembles the everyday life in an inhumane industrial world. We
are nothing but observers.
Spherical Disrupted creates peculiar and dark sound structures between
ambient athmospheres and noise music, using electronic sounds and field
recordings. The project is operated by Mirko Hentrich / Essen, Germany.
He is producing electronic and experimental music since 1988 using
different monikers and with different projects.
hidden technology are working on the intersections between Low
Frequency Ambient and Field Recordings, between acoustic and visual
documentations of the personal living space since 1999. They explore
the effects of popular culture in collective remembrance. hidden
technology use synthetic drones, spoken word recordings and sounds from
the Information Society with references to Post-Industrial up to
Electronica styles.
21:00 | tanzhaus west
eintrittt 8 euro
leider macht uns das so genannte schengener abkommen und die daraus
resultierenden voraussetzungen zur visa-erteilung im oktober zweimal
einen strich durch die rechnung. bitte beachtet, dass das
weissrussland-minifestival am 20.10. und der auftritt von christian
gallareta am 24.10. aufgrund von visa-nichterteilungen leider ausfallen
20. oktober 2005 | achtung | konzert fällt leider aus!
belarus minifestival
red clash riot
24. oktober 2005 | achtung | konzert fällt leider aus!
christian gallareta [peru]