22. 08. 2006 -- 17:00
Wer schreibt?
Welche erkenntnisse diese spammer manchmal haben. Und das ist noch
nichtmal die Nigeria connection:
> The new trend of online entertainment in 2006, I can say it is Weblog. So sorry that I have not found the statistic to backup my conclusion but what are happening around me these days can prove the truth. One of my friends spend at least 15 minutes per day to find beautiful and impressive pictures and themes to decorate her personal blog and another feels totally disappointed when his new entry has no comment and even worse no visitor . You may say those are some of my friends only and it is just a particular phenomenon. That’s fine! But please visit some sites such as Myspace, Yahoo360o, Blogspot, etc. and compare the number of members today with that last week or even yesterday, you can see the difference. Prove it yourself!
The Thing Frankfurt
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