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[thing-group] Received 08. 02. 2005 -- 19:02 from from

Re: mopslog

> Costs involved with MOPS. A chartered organization accepts the responsibility
> of
> paying the following fees for each of its MOPS groups to MOPS International:
> ...
viel spass!!!!
> Am 08.02.2005 um 18:29 schrieb Stefan Beck:
>> http://www.thing-frankfurt.de/mopslog
> haha, sensationell :-)

The Thing Frankfurt http://www.thing-frankfurt.de
Thing Mailinglist: mailto:thing-frankfurt-subscribe [at] yahoogroups [dot] com
Stefan Beck | Hohenstaufenstr. 8 | 60327 Frankfurt | +49-69-7410210
Multi.trudi artspace and mediabase works @ http://www.multitrudi.de

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