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[thing-group] Received 10. 02. 2005 -- 09:36 from from

Fwd: wiki symposium/activism event berlin feb 11 2005

wiki feb 11th 2005 berlin germany
wiki revelations for holographic binding beer
wiki forced expanded opening for new post-software-activism
wiki melancholia and wiki fascism
wiki post mutual ontology
wiki abstraction + mechanical representation
wiki auto-seductive art relation to the computed
wiki self-coded post-algorithmic codec noise performance

wiki florian cramer sandulescu, stewart home, otto muehl, michael
moore, sunny brains, dick s bierman, lisa jevbratt, martin horse, gary

wiki andy boos, russell hawellka, yves dungeon, ericha berger, ap,
stillupstey, farmers mutual, kaffee matthews, pita bread

wiki club transmediale [on door eur3 / online eur3,33] 10 p.m.
wiki sae wiki sw1 [tickets through sae 03079303647] 8.30 pm
wiki http://www.marlenacorcoran.com/carneval/irsee/photos1/

wiki a project supported by german arts council, small + mutual


wiki is a unique event exposing a radical new space for post-software
art and examining links to
theories of endodata, holographic programming and auto-destructive art.

wiki necessary apologies for cross-posting / wiki please disseminate

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no mutual use of the texts exceptional by s. lütgert

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