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[thing-group] Received 10. 02. 2005 -- 16:33 from from

new dance video


tanz der tiere/dance of the dogs (2005)

dance of the dogs is a sensitive love-story with three extraordinary
pugs. it is dedicated to mrs. ... , who works as art restaurator in
frankfurt/germany, who offered the unique opportunity to take this
dance picture to ...



[netzwissenschaft] 13.12.2004, 1m44s


archiv fuer kontemplative bewegtbilddokumentation

letztes programm vom 24.12.2004

wiki institute
antiautoritäre netzhochschule für die region

--> http://wiki-institute.com/

frankfurter wohnzimmer #2
feb 05
the netzwissenschaft scrapbook

--> http://designerziehung.de/

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