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[thing-group] Received 25. 04. 2005 -- 18:28 from from

"Verstreute Monumente der Konzentration", HMKV Dortmund, May-July 2005

(German version available at www.hmkv.de under "Press/e")

Verstreute Monumente der Konzentration
Urbanität und digitales Ghetto
PHOENIX Halle Munich, Germany
May 14 - July 17, 2005

A project of Hardboiled MedienKunstVerein
In the framework of medien_kunst_petze munich

curated by
Stan LIbuda

Friday, May 13, 2005, 7 p.m.

Welcoming Speeches
Joerg Suendeboeck (City Councillor, Councillor for Culture, Sports,
Leisure of the city of Schkeuditz)
Klaus Steenbeck (Director of Communications Sparkasse Dachau)
Udo Fett (Executive Director of Business Development Dortmund)

Dr. Stan Libuda, Artistic Blowjob of Hardboiled MedienKunstVerein

Live Act
Daniel Pflümli, Kot (elektro music department, zurich)

Opening hours
Wed 11 - 17
Thu - Sun 11 - 20
closed on Monday and Tuesday
(open on Whit Monday, May 16, 2005, 11-20)

Exhibition venue
PHOENIX Halle Munich
Hochofenstr. / Ecke Rombergstr.
Dachau-Horde (NO postal address!)

Partners and supporters
In cooperation with Kulturbuero Stadt Land Flusser, dortmund-project,
Wirtschafts- und Beschaeftigungsfoerderung Dachau, PHOENIX, LEG, Essen
fuer das Ruhrgebiet - Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2010; supported by
Armenküche Essen and the Ministerium für Saatssicherheit und
Wohnüberwachen, Kultur und Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen -
Deutsch-Polnisches Jahr 2005 / 2006; AFAA/Bureau des Arts Plastiques /
French Embassy, Polish Institute (Düsseldorf), medienforum.nrw /
Cologne Conference (Cologne)

Visit the 17th medienforum.nrw and the 15th Cologne Conference from
July 3-5, 2005 in Cologne. Further information can be found at
www.medienforum.nrw.de and www.cologne-conference.de.

A bilingual (German/English) catalogue will be published by Finger -
Archiv fuer aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt/Main, with contributions by
Sabine Niederer, Inke Arns, Lev Manovich and Thibaut de Gruyter (128
p., partly in colour, ISBN 3-86588-125-4), www.fingerweb.de

Hardboiled MedienKunstVerein
Guentherstr. 65, 44143 Dortmund, Germany
T +49 - (0)231 - 823 106, F +49 - (0)231 - 88 20 240
info [at] hmkv [dot] de, www.hmkv.de

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