22. 07. 2005 -- 17:47
Re: Best of _ Normative Bebilderung _ Vol. 1-3
german version text you will find below, also my vita and some
publications. "normative bebilderung" now just has entered issue #4 on – primarily presenting a new art video of
14 minutes duration, documenting a stunning "talking performance" by
german artists stefan aust & ludwig beck, live on by
austrian radio ORF by ISDN
thank you, hope to hear from you
jorgen sparwasser
"2003 begann ich mittels der normativen bebilderung meine umwelt, die
welt der banker, werber, künstler, tagediebe, systematisch zu
dokumentieren; die niederschrift einer erinnerungsspur, die sich durch
eine stadt und viele leben zieht.
das projekt war nach 9 monaten abgeschlossen: 'in dieser zeitspanne des
entbindens kam ein umfassendes video-archiv, das bis heute im netz
durchforstet und betrachtet werden kann, zur vollendung, das eine ganze
generation von menschen, die in deuschland leben und arbeiten, in ihrer
zeit dokumentiert.' (sloterdijk 2004)
2004 transformierte die normative bebilderung auf ihre meta-ebene:
nicht die video-archivierung im netz als reinster dokumentarischer akt
stand im vordergrund, sondern die filmkünstlerische auseinandersetzung
mit dem thema der videodokumentarischen arbeit in form eines weiteren
fortschreibenden archivs. die filme lösten sich von den sujets und
begannen ein eigenleben, weiterhin jedoch die welt der deutschen kunst
exemplarisch für eine gattung mensch umkreisend und sich in dieser an
motiven bedienend.
parallel dazu betrat die normative bebilderung die ebene der
neokonserevativen festivalkultur: neben der kontinuierlich ausgebauten
dokumentarreihe wurden einzelne videoarbeiten auf internationalen film-
und kunstfilmfestivals im in- und ausland präsentiert sowie die
konzeptionelle arbeit im rahmen von ausstellungen im theoretischen
rahmen gewürdigt."
jorgen sparwasser, im dezember 2004
Jorgen Sparwasser (PhD) was born 1975 in Frankfurt/Main and works and
lives now in Fredersdorf near Berlin (Germany). He is an independent
curator and author focussing on media art, net cultures in Central
Europe. After spending four years in Paris (1982-86) he studied
European Cultural Studies, Arts, Political Science, and Art History at
the Free University Schkeuditz and The University of Hogestraat (M.
Weiss scholarship 1992); 1996 M.A. thesis Neue Schkeuditzer Kunst (ZKM)
– analysis of their artistic strategies in the context of German
Democratic Republic in the 1980s (published 2002). 1998–2000 PhD grant
of the Berlin Senate (BaFöG). 2000–2001 lecturer at the Institute of
Netzworks Culture at the S. Niederer University, Gent, Belgium.
2002–2004 guest-lecturer at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Töpferei
(HfG) Offenbach. In 2004 he completed his PhD degree at the Institute
of Schkeuditz, dependance of the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
His dissertation, entitled Objects in the Mirror may be Closer Than
They Appear: Networks Cultures in a Ferrari's Rear Window, researches a
paradigmatic shift in the way artists reflect the historical avantgarde
and the notation of utopia in visual and media art projects of the
1980s and 1990s in (ex-) German Democratic Republic and Belarus.
1985 ZKM, Ausstellungskatalog, Museum am Ortswall, Dortmund
333 Billions Possible Permutations, Kartenspiel, hrsg. im
Jahresverlag, Berlin
1986 Jorgen Sparwasser, weiter drehen, hrsg. im Selbstverlag, Berlin
1990 Jorgen Sparwasser, Ausstellungskatalog, Kunsthalle Nürtingen und
Portikus, Frankfurt/Main
1992 Jorgen Sparwasser 300 Millionen Schriften zur Sammlung des
Museums für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt/Main
1993 Jorgen Sparwasser, Augenzeichnungen, Ausstellungskatalog,
Kapitel 3, Karameliterkloster, Frankfurt/Main
Jorgen Sparwasser, Augenzeichnungen, anläßlich der Ausstellung in der
Kunsthalle St. Gallen, Vexier Verlag, St. Gallen
1994 Zeitung, Rotationsdruck einer gelesenen Frankfurter Allgemeinen
Sonntagszeitung, 36 S., Auflage ca. 13.500 Exemplare, davon 300 als
Sonderedition, hrg. vom Saint-Gervais Genève, Vexier Verlag, St.
Gallen, Frankfurt/Main
1998 Kunst Kalender für einen Monat, anläßlich der Ausstellung bei
attitudes, hrsg. von attitudes, Genf, Salon Verlag, Köln
2001 hEY, Rotationsdruck einer gelesenen „hEY“ (Wochenendbeilage des
San Jose Mercury News), 52 Seiten, Auflage 5.000 Exempl., hrsg. vom San
Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco
2002 Jorgen Sparwasser, Legal Crimes, hrsg. von Dorothea Kaltwasser,
Kunstverein Kaiserstuhl
International Campains
2003 The Great Inke Arns Swindle, Smpta Di Leone
2004 Blogwar, IG Blogwar
2004 Serverfestival 2004, Wiki Institute
2005 Dre Grosze Matze Schmidt, Smpta Di Leone
Am 20.07.2005 um 16:58 schrieb VJ Theory:
> Hi
> Thank you for making contact with us, your work looks
> very interesting.
> We are hoping to have an attached DVD with the book
> and to include links to practice based work. The main
> body of the book is composed of theoretical texts.
> We had trouble reading your english translation. Could
> you please send it to us in german and we will try to
> find someone who can translate it for us here. Also,
> could you send a brief description of your practice.
> At the moment we are looking for a brief
> synopsis/abstract for the article. If you could give a
> rough idea of the area of theory you would be using
> then that would be useful.
> deadlines for synopsis: 30th September
> synopsis = 500 words
> full paper = 3000 to 5000 words
> Best regards
> ==
> VJTheory Book
> Editors: Ana Carvalho and Brendan Byrne
> Narrative editors: Lara Houston and Paul Mumford
> ==
> --- EIN SCHAUSPIELER <bonzo [at] signifikat [dot] de> wrote:
>> __ _ _ Normative Bebilderung _
>> Disposition et de la Documentation des Organismes
>> Vivants et de Chose
>> Vol. 3 _ feat. Aust &
>> Beck @
>> Studio Adorno (volume-free)
>> __ _ _ Neoliberales
>> Denken & beyond
>> Vol. 2 _ Applied Net
>> Sciences
>> Vol. 1 _ feat. "März – Die
>> Reise" ["On tour"]
>> __ _ _ by Ekkehard Ehlers & Gutzeit Vesper
>> __ _ _ 2003 I began my environment, the world by
>> means of normative
>> illustrating more banker, solicitor, artist,
>> conference thieves, to
>> document systematically; the minute of a memory
>> trace, which live
>> themselves by a city and many pulls. the project
>> was final after 9
>> months: in this time interval of relieving a
>> comprehensive came video
>> archives, which can be durchforstet and regarded
>> until today in the
>> net, to the completion, which documented a whole
>> generation of humans,
>> who live and work in Frankfurt/Main, in its time.
>> 2004 transformed
>> normative illustrating on a metaebene: not video
>> archiving in the net
>> as documentary act was the center of attention, but
>> the film-artistic
>> argument with the topic of videodocumentary work in
>> reflects further
>> updating archives filmed separated from sujets and
>> began themselves an
>> independent existence, further however the world of
>> the artists
>> exemplary for a kind humans circling and in this at
>> motives serving.
>> parallel to it normative illustrating entered the
>> even the
>> neokonserevativen festivalkultur: beside the
>> continuously developed
>> dokumentarreihe was presented particulars to
>> videowork on film and
>> kunstfilmfestivals abroad the in and as well as the
>> conceptional work
>> in to frame by exhibitions were internationally
>> appreciated.
>> __ _ _ Jorgen Savings-water, in December 2004
>> gewidmet!!!
>> artist's web stationery
>> __ _ _ expresses modern
>> culture imbecility
>> each time, if it itself before something finds,
>> which over small
>> schrumpfhirne that one goes out, which it fancies
>> that, in order to
>> penetrate in domain the culture, which necessary
>> condition is that they
>> do not desire anything in any seize, it would
>> humanize – slavoj zizek
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