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[thing-group] Received 19. 08. 2006 -- 13:38 from from

Re: Fwd: nerzspannung.org back online

Hey Warren, oder wie auch immer, wollten sie mich nicht mal wieder so
richtig deftig beleidigen, ich warte immer noch!

Nix los hier, oder was?

on 19.08.2006 10:41 Uhr, warren corb at mw [at] designerziehung [dot] de schrieb:

> http://nerzspannung.org/
> netartist
> remaining after deductions, as for charges or expenses (opposed to
> cross): net earnings.
> 2. sold at a stated price with all parts and charges included and
> with
> all deductions having been made.
> 3. final; totally conclusive: After all that work, what was the net
> result?
> 4. (of weight) after deduction of tare, tret, or both.
> ‹n.
> 5. net income, profit, or the like.
> ‹v.t.
> 6. to gain or produce as clear profit.
> The principal object of net art is Internet which isn't an object and
> Collaborations
> artists, artist-run-spaces, curators
> cultural producers
> various-euro
> independent curators
> artist
> installation artists
> artists
> independent curator
> projects,
> collaborate
> art project
> drawing
> mutual exchange
> research
> artistic
> curatorial source material
> presentation
> previous works
> current source material
> organize
> public,
> linking
> discussions
> contents
> exhibition
> collaborative art project,
> exhibited
> artists-run-space
> NewYorkRioTokyo
> artist
> current projects
> Berlin, Warsaw, New Zealand, New York and Sydney
> Primarily
> sculpture,
> poetically
> experimental architecture
> superstition
> Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin,
> contemporary art
> Australia,
> exhibitions
> Musee de Picardie,
> International
> Istanbul
> Biennale
> Museum
> Contemporary Art,
> Sydney
> Arts Centre,
> Cardiff
> exhibition
> Poland,
> Zacheta
> National
> Gallery
> Warsaw
> Contemporary Art Centre
> Vilnius.
> installation artists
> projects
> Berlin, Copenhagen
> Sydney
> issues
> architecture,
> development,
> social gentrification
> space invasion
> investigate
> concerns,
> international
> Australian
> Kunsterhaus
> Bethanien, Berlin
> Imperial
> collective,
> artist-run
> initiative
> collectively
> organised
> Sydney
> Australian Arts Council
> awarded
> Scholarship
> Visual Arts
> collaborative art project
> artists
> Warsaw
> bulldoggz
> Offensive
> zeitgenössische Kunst
> Kommunikation
> exhibition
> History
> cocktails
> beer
> Art Council's Committee
> International Visual Art cooperates
> creative
> dialogues
> visual artists
> Denmark
> international contemporary art
> Kunstscheisse, Ausschuss
> Internationale Bildende Kunst
> kreative Dialoge
> Bildende Künstler
> Dänemark
> internationale zeitgenössischer Kunst
> receive
> Subject

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