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[thing-group] Received 08. 02. 2005 -- 10:18 from from

TODAY: Sebastian Lutgert at HfG

08.02.2005 Sebastian Lutgert, textz.com, Berlin

Tuesday, 08.02.2005, 19.30
HfG Offenbach, Raum D-101

Party after the lecture, 22.00 / Robert Johnson

I would be very interested in the Oschatz symposium In Offenbach from
this weekend. Also in the participation of Sebastian Lutgert at glue,
and his new catalogue about his work. I heard that the text artist
Sebastian Lutgert attacked in the newspaper not only the work of
Sebastian Lutgert , but Sebastian Lutgert himself, saying that he's an
invented person. (S. Randolph)

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