Einträge vom Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2005
19. 01. 2005 13:36
radi0.tv "Freies Radio Kapital 3" & "F**k U Art 4 The 21st Century"
/\ radi0.tv
(please scroll down for english version)
Fr., 21.01.2005, 22:00-23:00 Uhr. "Freies Radio Kapital 3". Der dritte
Teil der Serie auf radi0.tv. Die Uebertragung besteht aus einer
computerisierten Lesung aller 3 Baende von Karl Marx _Das Kapital_ in
ca. 64-66 Sendungen. Heute: Band I, ab S. 73. Fuer die weiteren
Sendungen bitte auf E-Mailflyer achten!
Sa., 05.02.2005, 20:00-21:00 Uhr. Eine Stunde "F**k U Art 4 The 21st
Century". Die Band 38317 kombiniert einen eingespielten Track mit der
Liveperformance ueber die Clique der Open-Open Mystiker aller
Fr., 21.01.2004, 22:00-23:00 h. "Free Radio Kapital 3". This is the
third part of the series on radi0.tv. The transmission consists of a
computerized reading of all 3 Volumes of Karl Marx _Das Kapital_ in
approx. 64-66 broadcastings (in german). For further broadcastings
check e-mailflyers please!
Sa., 05.02.2005, 20:00-21:00 h. One hour "F**k U Art 4 The 21st
Century". The Band 38317 combines a recorded track with a
liveperformance about the clique of the open-open mystic of all
Audiowebstream pnm:// (RealPlayer)
special thanx! 2 mi_ga + various euro
frankfurter wohnzimmer
feb 05
the netzwissenschaft scrapbook
--> http://designerziehung.de/
19. 01. 2005 13:31
Fwd: Neue adresse
> Von: hARTware [at] t-online [dot] de (hARTware projekte)
> Datum: 19. Januar 2005 12:26:28 MEZ
> An: big knatterton <scum [at] blogwar [dot] org>
> Cc: <info [at] hmkv [dot] de>
> Betreff: Neue adresse
> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren.
> bitte notieren Sie, daß sich die email-Adresse des hartware medien
> kunst
> vereins Dortmund geändert hat. Wir sind in Zukunft über
> info [at] hmkv [dot] de
> erreichbar.
> http://www.hmkv.de
> Seit dem 1. Januar 2005 sind Iris Dressler und Hans D. Christ
> Direktoren des
> Württembergischen Kunstvereins Stuttgart und unter
> info [at] wkv-stuttgart [dot] de
> erreichbar.
> http://www.wkv-stuttgart.de
frankfurter wohnzimmer #2:
netzwissenschaft scrapbook
feb 05
zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre ästhetikforschung
--> http://designerziehung.de/
19. 01. 2005 08:51
Summary of list arc.hive
Table of content :
1. Big Contest with No Prizes Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501112312100.4107 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
2. . | " || 12-1-2005-22:20 16 |-| orange|red|vert|purple|rood|bleu ||
schreibt+mich || jmcs3 || " | . * **
purpura anaranjado oranje amarillo gelb ESCRIBE{ { 57 }{ 7 61
61 }{ { 65 43 }{ 67 43 }{ { 57 }{ { 7 63 }{
3 }{ { 63 43 }{ { 63 57 39 75 55 85 23 49 }{
{ 7 49 23 85 }{ { 13 }{ 15 }{ { 7 1 73 33 35
}{ 8 }{ 11 }{ 11 }{
11 }{ 11 }{ 11 }{
11 }{ { 11 }{ 11 }{
11 }{ 11 }{ 11 }{ 11
}{ { 83 5 39 5 77 }{ { 7 39 45 }{ 39 17 }{ 89
}{ 20 }{ { 40 }{ 7 }{ 39 53 }{ {
58 }{ 7 37 31 69 }{ 7 39 25 47 29 27 }{ { { 7
37 81 81 }{ 37 81 79 81 }{ { 7 37 57 79 71 !
}{ { 37 57 79 57 }{ { 37 87 79 87 }{ 37 51 79 51
}{ { { { { 22 19 19 }{ { { { 60 7 7 }{ 10 7 7 }{
62 7 7 }{ 66 7 7 }{ 44 7 7 }{ 68 7 7 }{ 44 7 7 }{
60 7 7 }{ 10 7 7 }{ 64 7 7 }{ 4 7 7 }{ 64 7 7 }{ 44
7 7 }{ 64 7 7 }{ 60 7 7 }{ 42 7 7 }{ 76 7 7 }{ 56 7
7 }{ 86 7 7 }{ 24 7 7 }{ 50 7 7 }{ 10 7 7 }{ 50 7 7
}{ 24 7 7 }{ 86 7 7 }{ 14 7 7 }{ 16 7 7 }{ 10 7 7
}{ 2 7 7 }{ 74 7 7 }{ 34 7 7 }{ 36 7 7 }{ 9 7 7 }{
12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{
12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{
12 7 7 }{ 12 7 7 }{ 84 7 7 }{ 6 7 7 }{ 42 7 7 }{ 6
7 7 }{ 78 7 7 }{ 10 7 7 }{ 42 7 7 }{ 46 7 7 }{ 42 7
7 }{ 18 7 7 }{ 90 7 7 }{ 21 7 7 }{ 41 7 7 }{ 10 7 7
}{ 42 7 7 }{ 54 7 7 }{ 59 7 7 }{ 10 7 7 }{!
38 7 7 }{ 32 7 7 }{ 70 7 7 }{ 10 7 7 }{ 42 7 7 }{
Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 <johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
200501122118.j0CLIY7L001350 [at] anart [dot] no
3. The Great Tree of Morgantown, West Virginia Alan Sondheim
<sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501122210490.16220 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
4. nozzle cra <noemata [at] kunst [dot] no>
-0001TK-7G [at] birkeland [dot] kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no
5. Azd/gEQ:a. <noemata [at] kunst [dot] no>
-0003ja-PZ [at] birkeland [dot] kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no
6. DER TOYWAR HAT NIE STATT GEFUNDEN yaak karsunke <scum [at] blogwar [dot] org>
-641E-11D9-8518-00039317602A [at] blogwar [dot] org
7. Soeben erschienen: Diskrete Netze und Medien yaak karsunke
<scum [at] blogwar [dot] org>
-6557-11D9-BD82-0030656DA79A [at] blogwar [dot] org
8. /* Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501131307590.1336 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
9. . | " || 14-1-2005-15:34 39 |-| paars|paars|rood|jaune|green|azul ||
i+write || jmcs3 || " | . * red azul
orange vert ****** green
Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 <johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
200501141434.j0EEYF7L002924 [at] anart [dot] no
10. Weak As Roses: Wherein The Most Transparent Deception Is Yet A
Cipher Undaunted jeff harrison <worksonpaper03 [at] yahoo [dot] com>
20050114224748.76665.qmail [at] web52406 [dot] mail.yahoo.com
11. luge Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501142307110.24559 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
12. 99/70 og 58/41 <noemata [at] kunst [dot] no>
-0000Ht-LC [at] birkeland [dot] kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no
13. rt:xaO Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <kkervinen [at] mailcan [dot] com>
20050115195354.A413 [at] xpressed [dot] org
14. Babel lawn Karl Petersen <diocletian [at] visi [dot] com>
41E96C8B.9020105 [at] visi [dot] com
15. Books <noemata [at] kunst [dot] no>
-0001oE-9J [at] birkeland [dot] kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no
16. Re: [_arc.hive_] Books mIEKAL aND <memexikon [at] mwt [dot] net>
-6739-11D9-BFC2-0003935A5BDA [at] mwt [dot] net
17. noemata [at] kunst [dot] no
18. Re: [_arc.hive_] . | " || 28-12-2004-22:18 08 |-|
purpura|purpur|yellow|rojo|rouge|verde || writes+me || jmcs3 || " | .
"[_lo-y. ]" <loy [at] myrealbox [dot] com>
http://sympa.anart.no/sympa/arcsearch_id/arc.hive/2005-01/ [at] pop3 [dot] myrealbox.com
19. MMMMMMMMMM <noemata [at] kunst [dot] no>
-0004pT-Iw [at] birkeland [dot] kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no
20. --2[j:.]- Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <kkervinen [at] mailcan [dot] com>
20050116134724.A750 [at] xpressed [dot] org
21. Re: [_arc.hive_] Babel lawn Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3
<johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
-680A-11D9-9241-0003934D10E4 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com
22. Re: [_arc.hive_] . | " || 28-12-2004-22:18 08 |-|
purpura|purpur|yellow|rojo|rouge|verde || writes+me || jmcs3 || " | .
Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 <johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
-680C-11D9-9241-0003934D10E4 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com
23. noemata [at] kunst [dot] no
24. panix name hijacked Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501161904480.29187 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
25. what's happening Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501161925400.29435 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
26. the watcher of skies is always there Alan Sondheim
<sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501162019440.5107 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
27. ^t ^t noemata [at] kunst [dot] no
28. Re: [_arc.hive_] . | " || 28-12-2004-22:18 08 |-|
purpura|purpur|yellow|rojo|rouge|verde || writes+me || jmcs3 || " | .
"[__lo-y. ]" <loy [at] myrealbox [dot] com>
http://sympa.anart.no/sympa/arcsearch_id/arc.hive/2005-01/ [at] pop3 [dot] myrealbox.com
29. lukas & sternberg hat eine website! big knatterton
<scum [at] blogwar [dot] org>
-67F1-11D9-B067-00039317602A [at] blogwar [dot] org
30. . | " || 17-1-2005-14:34 08 |-|
purpura|anaranjado|oranje|anaranjado|bleu|purple || schrijft || jmcs3
|| " | . * yellow jaune orange azul *
gruen WRITES endering ==- ===wCFsrnofJFw=
- 187 : :=:.uiZimzUaPjg= | w w t o
o =O.gqfR3LUOAwE=
=8.ECmtJVNw9/c= ot =\.AvIjITbq8GI= 83 83 =83FjvcJPxdw46=
ing, ing, 1 =1.nkwRIV7NHqA= O - 3
3 en =enpNYIG6r15Ec=| | \ ict' arinarin
\ =\.AvIjITbq8GI= - -=== -=== f \
|1 . - =manOf3l6RZxbE= O /
-- i =e.lKi4N75nc8Q= 5 =5.CosX30/3knk= en
ning =ni8e7LTU4mhLE= h ind
| =|.KQCQuZpf8C.= S =S.h36X1NIR2Nk= o o
remaining remaining - !
=|.KQCQuZpf8C.= dy o o / -- 6|
=TIT0nVZb18FkQ=0an C=C.XDdbIDWjVZc=
=t.y7mwgn63ceE= ----- =--CTMhZcVww26= - 5-===
8 S tt =t.y7mwgn63ceE= 7
/ / 0| i 6n e th or
=orw7pOMo0ApaM= =- ==-aTT/vcJsxas= 5-
incor T T =T.n1wfbQ9CY.g= m
=m.d724ec/nKLI= . =6.itimJQpzyUc= .
=..AUbjpfRWVm2= 15 15=15m1.7uqQHOM6= \
t 83and 83and * * -- --
t \ =- =+.PCUWE7xM05s= \
e a a ==.UYAXLnZTeZA= tr
=\.AvIjITbq8GI=\ \ =\.AvIjITbq8GI= COME =COaeaTPj/YXU.=
T T 968 968 =963BJ5Qi!
ufhvw= pus + + =+.PCUWE7xM05s= 96818
Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 <johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
200501171327.j0HDRC7L008743 [at] anart [dot] no
31. /AR/:N/ Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <kkervinen [at] mailcan [dot] com>
20050117184044.A431 [at] xpressed [dot] org
32. 59e7f377a3 <noemata [at] kunst [dot] no>
-0001BF-Dd [at] birkeland [dot] kulturnett.kunder.linpro.no
33. . | " || 17-1-2005-18:46 04 |-| vert|geel|orange|verde|yellow|blue
|| escribe || jmcs3 || " | . * purpura
rouge gruen ****** amarillo red WRITE
*********************************** system "
open $path/runRedest.txt " @ Mon Jan 17 18:46:12 2005
0 ./ 0101rw.txt || ||-===- 1
./------ algoneric_000010.pl " 2
./------ algoneric_000017.pl " 3
./------ algoneric_000065.pl " d784fa8b6d98d27699781bd9a7cf19f0
4 ./------ algoneric_000032.pl " 9781bd
d98d27 a7cf19 769978 fa8b6d 1bd9a7 ..
5 ./------ algoneric_000027.pl " D27699
d 7 9 9 2 6 [ +1 , 4 , 9 , * ] 6
algoneric_000001.pl "
-1117CFB6D9A8BA9BD9A79BD997699991+8D22D98D98D2+++++1B ..
| purpura || schrijft || jmcs3 || " | .
| rouge | gruen
| amarillo | red . | " ||
17-1-2005-18:46 04 |-| vert |----| geel
| orange | verde
| yellow |
blue || jmcs3 || ik+schrijf || " | .1 Entering, 1105983958 .. ------ 6
------ 0101rw.txt YES1/6. algoneric_000010.pl 2/6. algoneric_000017.pl
3/6. algoneric_000065.pl 4/6. algoneric_000032.pl 5/6.
algoneric_000027.pl 6/6. algoneric_000001.pl @ 1105984020 ..my
daemons as they conquer me @ 1105984030 .. @ 1105984033 ..,
taking over @ 1105984040 .. @ 1105984043 .. they undress me
being already naked @ 110!
5984057 .. @ 1105984064 ..only left with stripping my skin @
Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 <johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
1105984342.Intra.Sammlung [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com
34. <<<<<<<<<<<< news <<<<<<<<<<<<< big knatterton <scum [at] blogwar [dot] org>
-68CD-11D9-BDFE-00039317602A [at] blogwar [dot] org
35. pi=rceXm Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <kkervinen [at] mailcan [dot] com>
20050118203551.A566 [at] xpressed [dot] org
36. . | " || 18-1-2005-21:14 38 |-|
purpur|pourpre|jaune|rouge|rojo|rojo || m+ecrit || jmcs3 || " | .
* blauw groen *** red gelb rouge ECRIT{ 6
| ø { ø |-øø_ { 6| ø - ø { }}}}}}}{ | 0|- { 6 ^ø 60- { -6ø
_ø { }}}}}}}{ |- 7 { | 1| |60 { 1| 6 { }}}}}}}{ 6\ø | {
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00 07 { 0 0, 0 { }}}}}}}{ 00 0 { | / }_6 { /| 1\ | {
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4|-|. ø { ø 7. -- { }}}}}}}{!
-1 _ <4 { <| 1 _- { | || | { }}}}}}}{ / / ø { | {
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/ { .4@10@ |ø { /ø0 |4 4. { }}}}}}}{ 000 0 { |ø 9 1 { 9 00
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\ : | { | ø |0 :ø { | ø 1 { }}}}}}}{ -- -7 @ { 07 4 . @ { <
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_ { - 4_0-1 { 15 .1 5_ { }}}}}}}{ @ { 22 @@ @ { 2 @8 @
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- -1 { 40 . { }}}}}}}{ | \ ø { | | ø { \ø\ \ ø {
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1-1--11--1-- 1 1 1 -11 1 -1 --1--1 - 1-- 1 - 1 -- 1 1
- 1 !
1 -- 1 -- 1 1 1-- 11-- 1-1-1 --1-- 1 1 --1 1- 11 - 1- 1
Johan Meskens CS3 jmcs3 <johanmeskenscs3 [at] chromaticspaceandworld [dot] com>
200501182011.j0IKB77L006530 [at] anart [dot] no
37. Not a joke. Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501181533170.22177 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
38. uninte noemata [at] kunst [dot] no
39. Sphere The Noble Brute, & Sphere The Golden Day Foaming Deathless
jeff harrison <worksonpaper03 [at] yahoo [dot] com>
20050118234558.29570.qmail [at] web52404 [dot] mail.yahoo.com
40. the news and we can't Alan Sondheim <sondheim [at] panix [dot] com>
Pine.NEB.4.61.0501182151230.24748 [at] panix3 [dot] panix.com
19. 01. 2005 08:51
[syndicate] the news and we can't
the news and we can't
fathom the reoccurrence and nothing to do but wait hope is useless and
name, boojum, jean-paul, others her name, boojum, jean-paul, others her
name, boojum, jean-paul, others her name, boojum, jean-paul, others hear
the despair among the carbon cacti, boojum trees, even in the midst of
cat, Boojum, imagining her, the tenor of her fur, quality of her eyes,
Boojum Carter Comments by writer: Boojum is named after the Boojum tree
Baja fury of cancer and creation. Azure and I are beside ourselves, and
Boojum Boojum, our cat, is checked now daily for a resurgence of cancer;
we can't
the cat cannot remain in a mixed state vis-a-vis the Schrodinger wave
{k:41} cat zz
{k:44} cat zzz
{k:46} cat zz
pay attention to the cat desperate for attention. I'm alone with animals
I die my cat may starve. How much longer can I pay the cost
put the dog in the house and put the cat in the other house
a cat in it
i put the dog in the house and i put the cat in the other house
i put the dog in the house and the cat in the house
put the cat in the nice month
now the cat is in november and the boy is in january
when I'm lying on the bed, I get under the beige blanket with the cat
busy photosynthesis, with only the cat looking on, all of them so cuddly
{k:39} cat zzz
{k:41} cat zz
{k:44} cat zzz
{k:46} cat zz
1. It's a myth that a cat brings mice to humans as a sign that they're
poor hunters. The mice are transitional objects, gifts. The cat will
2. It's a myth that a cat sees humans as large cats; one only has to
another cat in the room, as opposed to a human, to see that the cat can
make this distinction. The cat sees a human as a human.
3. It's a myth that a cat is "fooled" by hands and feet under the
In fact, the cat will play along for a while; she's bored. She tires of
4. A cat will, like a python, immediately lock eyes; it's the eyes that
5. A cat possesses ikonic signifiers; the artificial mice are a good
ment or the investment of desire. So a cat ignores the mirror stage, but
7. Evolution has bred the cat towards almost perfect neotany in size,
8. Because of its extended kitten-play, it's evident that a cat
a cat can lick the arm of a human on one hand, while violently flailing
19 pico z 20 cat jl z > ding 21 new z 22 B0100000027fed4 23 24 h 25 h
's/ksh/Kush/' zz > zzz 122 pico zzz 123 new zzz 124 cat jn zzz > ding
Facing the monitor on a shelf against the wall, the cat dish and box are
within culture, inscribed from within. And she will do what cats do,
a cat does, what this cat does, and I will watch her. And I will see the
ikonic at best and
{k:14} cat passwd | grep nikuko
The cat _knows,_ lying in unfamiliar spaces, walking guarded with
sorrow. The cat watches me pace the floor, on the telephone, or
the dust of countries. My books will cry behind me, the cat will cry as
was a street cat who was kept as a tiny kitten, I think, in the
basement of
{k:14} cat passwd | grep nikuko
{k:43} cat Nikuko
{k:44} cat Jennifer
{k:46} cat Jennifer
{k:48} cat Nikuko
{k:50} cat Nikuko
{k:52} cat Jennifer
{k:54} cat Nikuko
{k:56} cat Jennifer
{k:39} cat zzz
{k:41} cat zz
{k:44} cat zzz
{k:46} cat zz
"oh mail, oh cat lips, uh mail, uh cau liuu - haha!
My cat uses paws to straighten her claws,
Confucian. But the cat travels distances across this world
The cat waits in its environment. The dog shifts uneasily.
The cat defines the environment, I'm here!
The cat is existential; the dog, a phenomenologist. If
the cat is modern, the dog is always already postmodern.
100 quick quick cat X > /dev/null
0 0 cat bb >> dd sed 's/ i / yon /g' bb > cc sed 's/ you / i /g' cc > bb
put the dog in the house and put the cat in the other house
a cat in it
purring, older, a cat of kindness, beauty.
purring, older, a cat of kindness, beauty.
purring, older, a cat of kindness, beauty.
purring, older, a cat of kindness, beauty.
427 cat Blood Fantasm Past Uncanny Weather >> netintro
rabbit <--> cat <--> dog .
A cat is the site of dreamwork, fantasm; it is necessarily
le. The cat is feared as neither tool/function or food; it problematizes
human communication. A cat appears contented, but its purr is still not
180 cat K*.txt > zz
181 cat K*.Txt > zz
184 cat K*.xml > zz
her to touch another world. The adult plays with a dog or a cat which
during my lifetime collapsed into a sea of debris, the cat I accompany
the cat is a confused race, conflating instinct with human transmissions
sound, are something else. so the cat has lived for thousands of years
the cat and I cannot figure anything out with a dispassionate air. her
thought itself, is the 'condition' of being human. (A cat thinks,
volent spirits, echos in the hiss of the cat or snake. These
volcanic fissure, and the cat are _identical_.
surplus of woman and man, one behind and one in front." The cat
story of the cat and the snake, commentary by Akita, working
(The cat and the snake were travelling along the path. The
snake said to the cat that four feet made a double-bind held
to one-another, the split of the subject. The cat said to the
[image] and the sond of my cat purr [file]
goodbye [video] and my cat too [video].
nietzsche. you will know what i am talking about. my cat is looking at
all animals feel emotion directly. my cat has a great bandwidth of
emotion. my cat has five percent of a million years. her brain is
and has a history. The cat here is the same; the cat here is the same.
the news and we can't
fathom the reoccurrence and nothing to do but wait hope is useless and
name, boojum, jean-paul, others her name, boojum, jean-paul, others her
name, boojum, jean-paul, others her name, boojum, jean-paul, others hear
the despair among the carbon cacti, boojum trees, even in the midst of
cat, Boojum, imagining her, the tenor of her fur, quality of her eyes,
Boojum Carter Comments by writer: Boojum is named after the Boojum tree
Baja fury of cancer and creation. Azure and I are beside ourselves, and
Boojum Boojum, our cat, is checked now daily for a resurgence of cancer;
we can't
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