28. 08. 2006 -- 19:30
spur_mcguffin 069_recorded
spur_mcguffin 069_recorded
Spur McGuffin : 069recorded the n e w tracks out n o w mcguffin stomp
mcguffin swing august 2006 d o w n l o a n d a n d light my fire forthe
new frankfurt evolutionrage against klemp demission 2005issue 6issue
5issue 4issue 33-45 for the new german revisionists s p u r _ m c g u f
f i n : 069 _ recordedThis is the first retrospective online
presentation of Spur McGuffin liverecordings | 0 6 9 r e c o r d e dArt
which gathers works arising from streaming techniques in the period
from the early seventies of the last century to today. Sound art in the
past three and a half decades significantly defined the character of
Croatian contemporary art in general, whether it was about the pioneer
beginnings of sound art when researching the possibilities of new
technologies of a closed audio system or magnetic audio recording for
the first time, or whether it is about today’s digital technology and
multichannel sound works and interactive spatial installations. “The
era of moving sounds”, as our time is often called, was undoubtedly
marked by the experience of sound art, and the presentation will
endeavour to illuminate some of the key moments in the development of
this medium and its influence on audio-visual arts. The presentation
will present some one hundred artists who use the medium of mp3 as
their primary or secondary form of expression but also those creations
that evolved as artistic ventures into another medium. Using the form
of a multiperceptive presentation, the presentation will represent over
200 sound works in various forms, from single-channel radio shows,
spatial installations, and multichannel sound projections to
interactive sound pieces. This presentation will provide a chance to
protect important sound works in keeping with the most modern
museological principles, and will be accompanied by documentation
prepared as a digital database on Croatian sound creation.
0 6 9 E d i t W a r featuring Spur.McGufffin + Art Damage 3 beta issue
2 beetaspur _ mc guffin 069 recorded
click the Artist:
offenbachmainuferHafen 2
Freebase recordstore
McGuffin Bardic - McGuffin Beban/McGuffin Horvatic - McGuffin Bilankov
- McGuffin Matija Bitanga - McGuffin Blace - McGuffin Bogojevic-Narath
- McGuffin Bozanic - McGuffin Bozicevic - McGuffin Bracun - McGuffin
Brajnovic - McGuffin Brajnovic - McGuffin Bukovac - McGuffin Burdelez -
McGuffin Crtalic - McGuffin Cace - McGuffin Causic - McGuffin Dabo -
McGuffin Daxl/McGuffin Fülepp - McGuffin Debeljuh - McGuffin Dekovic -
McGuffin Delimar - McGuffin Dimitrijevic - McGuffin Dulic - McGuffin
Dukic - McGuffin Ercegovic - McGuffin Faktor - McGuffin Floricic -
McGuffin Frelich - McGuffin Friscic - McGuffin Fritz - McGuffin
Ladislav Galeta - McGuffin Golic - McGuffin Gotovac - McGuffin Gverovic
- McGuffin Cain - McGuffin Hewitt - McGuffin Horvat - McGuffin Husman -
McGuffin Ivekovic - McGuffin Jelavic - McGuffin Jerman - McGuffin
Kadoic - McGuffin Keser - McGuffin Kipke - McGuffin Kliman - McGuffin
Knezevic - McGuffin Kopljar - McGuffin Korkut - McGuffin Kozul -
McGuffin Kraskovic - McGuffin Kuduz - McGuffin Art Express (McGuffin
Farkas, McGuffin Zahtila) - McGuffin Leko - McGuffin Maljkovic -
McGuffin Martinis - McGuffin Marusic Klif - McGuffin Mesek - McGuffin
Mestrovic - Davor McGuffin - McGuffin Mezak - McGuffin Mijatovjc -
McGuffin Molnar - McGuffin Mracevic - McGuffin Mustac - McGuffin Oki -
McGuffin Pasic - McGuffin Pavelic - Tomislav McGuffin - McGuffin
Pederin - McGuffin Petek - Danijela McGuffin Philipp - McGuffin Piplica
- McGuffin Poljak - McGuffin Radic - McGuffin Ravlic - McGuffin Rascic
- McGuffin Rogic - McGuffin Rozman - McGuffin Rusic - McGuffin Sterle -
McGuffin Stilinovic - McGuffin Seric - McGuffin Simicic - McGuffin
Skofic - McGuffin Solman - McGuffin Slavoj - McGuffin Turcic - McGuffin
Vekic - McGuffin Vidovic - McGuffin Vincek - McGuffin Vlasic - McGuffin
Vucemilovic - McGuffin Vuk - McGuffin Vukelic - McGuffin Zrnic -
McGuffin Zanic
Klemp ist in erster (textueller) linie ein formaler ausdruck, etwas
erscheinendes oder bereits erschienenes, das aus der absicht eines (wie
auch immer gearteten) schöpferischen oder darstellenden akts kommt und
ist nicht unbedingt auf den rezipienten bezogen, der jedoch als aktuer
oder teilnehmer in einen hermeneutischen diskurs mit dem werk treten
mag und daraus eine befriedigende erfahrung gewinnen mag; also wenn er
will. Gnostique ne consiste pas en critique d'Art puisqu'Andy Warhol
lui-même était un descendant cathare vu son origine villageoise en ex
Tchéchoslovaquie, et décrit comme tel dans sa "pureté radicale" par
Baudrillard dans "Le snobisme machinal", dis l'ami d'Allemagne !
qu'entends-tu par gnostique en terme critique sous ta plume : facisme
ou dualisme - ce n'est pas la même chose?)spur_mcguffin : 069recorded
a c t u a l a p p e a r a n c e
c o n t r i b u t o r s :
c o n t a k 7 :
hfg [at]
vrukdqn [at]
khkoyr [at] jhvigksug.gix
wnslwhcbvlga [at] psjlck.lee
gehhwbwbiyx [at] ukohv.wx
fhjvbuy [at]
fcpmdnrtb [at] xfpypld.ou
yxyymqmj [at] jxakt.pmj
vrukdqn [at]
khkoyr [at] jhvigksug.gix
wnslwhcbvlga [at] psjlck.lee
gehhwbwbiyx [at] ukohv.wx
fhjvbuy [at]
fcpmdnrtb [at] xfpypld.ou
yxyymqmj [at] jxakt.pmj
d knef
art damage
jorgen sparwasser
beate z.
anna balint
horrorkatze k o o l p l a c e s :
thing frankfurtmailto:spur [at] various-euro [dot] com SAMO NA B92, HA, HA, HA!
Novi crtezi, iz serije Papic, Sorosijada, i druge poslastice... Spur
McGuffin's perspective is to provide an authentic and honest portrait
of the Frankfurt area
Die inszenierte (Un)Sichtbarkeit
Spur McGuffin
Spur McGuffin tajna srpska art-teroristic(ka organizacija specijalno za
rubriku "Glasno" Spur McGuffin progovara ?ta je srpska avangardno -
vazalna umetnost?
moosique non stop . stop no pop t e c h n i q u e m u s e u m
moog model 02014126.30 128228 as used by minus delta t [jorgen
sparwasser / sascha anderson]
Spur McGuffin _ 069 _ r e c o r d e d march 29th 2006 | 1.
international klemp summit | ||||| frankfurter forum fÿr
insitutionalisierte und neue kunst ||||||| -dt | frankfurtgermany | _ a
r chive : 069 recorded may 2006 | march 24th 2007 | institute vor
cultural networks | |||||||||||| | frankfurtgermany
april 28th 2007 | sonic arts network centre | kosovo | northern iraq |
link |||||||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||
mcguffin festival of contemporary music | link 069 _ recorded _
photo credits : zampa di leone : mr. stefan beck of frankfurt : ctgr h
ole | recording credits : mr. jahm parker wels : RIEK :
tobias rehberger : alfred 23harth
sp0nsor p00l:
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_other news -| : |_worldz _canal 1 products -| : |_shop _tour _logz
_campaign _docu_bräu _restate | : | - _rez _zampa _Spur
McGuffin_fan_club _ ping | : |-