Received 07. 10. 2006 -- 19:04 from
fromFwd: beate prego, zurwehme net-alban(ien) und hoRRoRkatze
>> MINIDISCHI------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------
>> Von horrorkatze am 04. Oktober 2006 um 17:57
>> featuring
>> Orban Thomas And The WoodendrummachinesSpur McGuffin
>> -- 16,5mb
>> -- 66mb
>> From Wikipedia, the uncertain encyclopedia
>> SPUR was an super artistic collaboration formed by the German
>> painters
>> Spur McGuffin, Orban Thomas, Will Vesper, Ono Mastik, musicians Hans
>> Zimmer and Peter Wolf and the sculptor Mike Fischer-Löffler in 1985.
>> They got to know each other at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste
>> München and moved to STAEDELSCHULE in the early 90s. Famous shows at
>> SHVANZ festival, touring with minus Delta t in late 80s and with The
>> Residents in 2004.
>> Spur McGuffin artists
>> Carl Korn
>> Norman Westberg
>> Jorgen Sparwasser
>> Anla Courtis
>> Chris Roesing
>> Walter E. Baumann
>> M. Gira
>> He Tears Consume
>> Mark Stewart
>> Orban Thomas
>> Graeme Revell
>> Peter Christopherson
>> Dr. Matze Schmidt
>> Clint Ruin
>> Skip McDonald
>> Keith LeBlanc
>> Zampa Di Leone
>> Theo Goodman
>> Genesis P-Orridge
>> Spur McGuffin
>> and Susanne Meyer
>> Staff:
>> Matija Bitanga - McGuffin Blace - McGuffin Bogojevic-Narath -
>> McGuffin
>> Bozanic - McGuffin Bozicevic - McGuffin Bracun - McGuffin Brajnovic -
>> McGuffin Brajnovic - McGuffin Bukovac - McGuffin Burdelez - McGuffin
>> Crtalic - McGuffin Cace - McGuffin Causic - McGuffin Dabo - McGuffin
>> Daxl/McGuffin Fülepp - McGuffin Debeljuh - McGuffin Dekovic -
>> McGuffin
>> Delimar - McGuffin Dimitrijevic - McGuffin Dulic - McGuffin Dukic -
>> McGuffin Ercegovic - McGuffin Faktor - McGuffin Floricic - McGuffin
>> Frelich - McGuffin Friscic - McGuffin Fritz - McGuffin Ladislav
>> Galeta
>> - McGuffin Golic - McGuffin Gotovac - McGuffin Gverovic - McGuffin
>> Cain
>> - McGuffin Hewitt - McGuffin Horvat - McGuffin Husman - McGuffin
>> Ivekovic - McGuffin Jelavic - McGuffin Jerman - McGuffin Kadoic -
>> McGuffin Keser - McGuffin Kipke - McGuffin Kliman - McGuffin
>> Knezevic -
>> McGuffin Kopljar - McGuffin Korkut - McGuffin Kozul - McGuffin
>> Kraskovic - McGuffin Kuduz - McGuffin Art Express (McGuffin Farkas,
>> McGuffin Zahtila) - McGuffin Leko - McGuffin Maljkovic - McGuffin
>> Martinis - McGuffin Marusic Klif - McGuffin Mesek - McGuffin
>> Mestrovic
>> - Davor McGuffin - McGuffin Mezak - McGuffin Mijatovjc -
>> McGuffinMolnar - McGuffin Mracevic - McGuffin Mustac - McGuffin Oki -
>> McGuffin
>> Pasic - McGuffin Pavelic - Tomislav McGuffin - McGuffin Pederin -
>> McGuffin Petek - Danijela McGuffin Philipp - McGuffin Piplica -
>> McGuffin Poljak - McGuffin Radic - McGuffin Ravlic - McGuffin Rascic
>> -McGuffin Rogic - McGuffin Rozman - McGuffin Rusic - McGuffin Sterle
>> -McGuffin Stilinovic - McGuffin Seric - McGuffin Simicic -
>> McGuffinSkofic - McGuffin Solman - McGuffin Slavoj - McGuffin Turcic
>> - McGuffin
>> Vekic - McGuffin Vidovic - McGuffin Vincek - McGuffin Vlasic -
>> McGuffin
>> Vucemilovic - McGuffin Vuk - McGuffin Vukelic - McGuffin Zrnic -
>> McGuffin Zanic
>> Klemp ist in erster (textueller) linie ein formaler ausdruck, etwas
>> erscheinendes oder bereits erschienenes, das aus der absicht eines
>> (wie
>> auch immer gearteten) schöpferischen oder darstellenden akts kommt
>> und
>> ist nicht unbedingt auf den rezipienten bezogen, der jedoch als
>> aktuer
>> oder teilnehmer in einen hermeneutischen diskurs mit dem werk treten
>> mag und daraus eine befriedigende erfahrung gewinnen mag; also wenn
>> er
>> will. Gnostique ne consiste pas en critique d'Art puisqu'Andy Warhol
>> lui-même était un descendant cathare vu son origine villageoise en ex
>> Tchéchoslovaquie, et décrit comme tel dans sa "pureté radicale" par
>> Baudrillard dans "Le snobisme machinal", dis l'ami d'Allemagne !
>> qu'entends-tu par gnostique en terme critique sous ta plume :
>> facismeou dualisme - ce n'est pas la même chose?) spur_mcguffin is
>> sponsored by (normative bebilderung) examine the new abstract
>> Extensionen, which develop in remnants of utopian visualization and
>> abandoned memory modules in dynamic Clustern. found 1994, designated
>> the label normative bebilderung in Frankfurt/Main after the
>> philosophical paper of the same name on Gilles Deleuze and Felix
>> Guattari. normative bebilderung produced pictures beyond the art
>> scene.
>> When stylistic alternative to the slowly arising medium and InterNet
>> art as well as to intelligently mobile was established picture
>> community, which formed in England around the label atmville.orgund
>> its
>> Artificial Intelligence of series, normative bebilderung as
>> innovative
>> Environment label, which offered a platform to electronic projects
>> and
>> artists of experimental picture compositions. normative bebilderung
>> is
>> located itself in the tradition line of the electronic avant-garde
>> art,
>> since that the 2. World war out-differentiated. Particularly the
>> french
>> school of the electrical connection artists around Augusts
>> Kitschwasser
>> and Edouard k-Sparkoenig as well as the scene around the Cologne
>> based
>> WDR studio, which founds stick living and Pleitgen, prove
>> approximately
>> as influential. international brand
>> management by
>> Spur McGuffin
>> ||| ||||
>> Rekki-tsap-tsap! Burr! Burr!