Einträge vom Freitag, 25. November 2005
25. 11. 2005 15:29
Re: und wie geht es uns heute wieder
dann gehörst du nicht zu denen: Bessergestellten mit Kindern soolen auch besser gefördert werden, Originalzitat Dr.A.Merkel, Pressekonferenz anlässlich des Empfangs bei Blair 25.11.05 NTV-Mitschnitt, restliches quackspeech. So konkret hat das sich noch keiner unserer Gallionsfiguren geäussert. Kann ich nur mit Fritz Kuhn: Hoffentlich geht das nicht lang.
Gesendet von Mail - Jetzt mit 1GB kostenlosem Speicher
25. 11. 2005 15:01
some calls
Betreff: Call for proposals by VideoChannel
Antwort an: "{vCH}" <mediacentre [at] le-musee-divisioniste [dot] org>
relaunched a suit of calls for videos
1. theme: gender identity
2. theme: identity of colour
3. theme: totalitarism
1. call for videos on theme "gender identity
deadline 31 December 2005
In a times when the traditional role of being "male" and "female" in
has lost its meaning, a male expresses his female, and a female her
male components of
their personality, when sexuality is not reduced to being straight or
but countless mixed forms of human existance can be lived,
defining oneself in a gender specific context may become
an essential question.
The call is inviting artists to reflect their own or the subject of
male, female, gay,
lesbian, transgender etc identity via the medium of video.
Details and entry form can be found on
NetEX - internal announcements
or http://weblog.nmartproject.net/index.php?blog=3&cat=11
2. call for videos on the theme "identity of colour"
deadline 31 December 2005
The theme is going down to the essential role and influence of colour
on any part of human life. The strong symbolism of the colours
expresses itself
in language and art, the signal effect of colour is used in
advertiosing and design,
colour take psychological influence on the unconsciousness, perception
and emotion.
What would be the world without colour? So what is the identity of
Details and entry form can be found on
NetEX - internal announcements
or http://weblog.nmartproject.net/index.php?blog=3&cat=11
3. call for videos on the theme "totalitarism"
deadline 31 December 2005
As a part of the global networking project [R][R][F]2005--->XP,
the view on "totalitarism" may be historically related as well as
"totalitarian" structures nowadays.
And while looking closer, one will recognize that traces of
totalitarism can be found
anywhere in society, politics and culture and everybody's life.
But totalitarism can only exist if people let it happen actively or
Details and entry form can be found on
NetEX - internal announcements
or http://weblog.nmartproject.net/index.php?blog=3&cat=11
VideoChannel is a joint venture between
Cinematheque at MediaCentre
and [R][R][F] 2005 - global networking project
in the framework of
and is acting basically online, but also offline in cooperation
with media festivals and other cultural events worldwide.
info & contact
info [at] nmartproject [dot] net
technical requirements
DSL Internet connection
Flash7 plug-in
Betreff: Aufruf zur Filmeinreichung Hamburg 2006
Liebe Kurzfilmende, liebe Freunde des Festivals
Im attachment finden Sie ein Anmeldeformular (pdf) für das
22. KurzFilmFestival Hamburg (7. - 12. Juni 2006).
Ebenfalls auf diesem Formular finden Sie die Teilnahmebedingungen
weitere nützliche Hinweise.
Noch besser wäre es, die Möglichkeit der Online-Einreichung zu nutzen.
Die Adresse hierfür lautet
www.shortfilm.com/festival/index.php (ab Montag, 21. November)
Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Verwendung des Online-Einreichformulars.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
das Festivalteam
22. Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg 2006
8. Mo & Friese KinderFilmFestival
c/o KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Friedensallee 7
D-22765 Hamburg
Fon: +49-40-39 10 63-23
Fax: +49-40-39 10 63-20
Betreff: Open Call to the Artists - Night of 1000 Drawings Show!
Night of 1,000 Drawings
Friday 9th December 2005, 5-10pm
@Artists Space
38 Greene Street 3rd Fl.
New York, NY10013
Admission: *
Original Drawings - (cash, checks, and AMEX only)
Open Bar 8-10pm
*participating artists admitted free from 5-7pm
Last Chance Sale: Saturday 10th December 2005, 12-4pm, Free
Artists Space invites you to donate small works on paper (including
photographs, prints, etc.) for our annual Night of 1,000 Drawings. This
open call exhibition and sale benefits Artists Space¹s programs, and
provides an opportunity for emerging artists to display their work and
to find potential collectors. When a work sells at the event, we
collect the buyer¹s contact information and (with their consent) pass
it on to the artist. Please read the following information completely,
including the FAQ below, before you donate your drawing(s).
To submit work:
1. Choose 1-2 unframed works on paper (photos and digital prints are
OK), NO BIGGER than 11" x 14".
2. On the back of each work, legibly write your name, address and
phone number (NO post-its please).
3. Send or drop off your work to: Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists
Space, 38 Greene Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013. If dropping off
work in person, please do so during regular gallery hours: 11am to 6pm,
Tuesday through Saturday.
4. DEADLINE: 5pm Monday December 5th. If a drawing is mailed in, it
must be RECEIVED by Artists Space on this date to be included.
5. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of any unsold
work. If no SASE is included, ARTISTS SPACE cannot be responsible for
return of work. You will receive a thank you letter and notification
around mid-January 2006.
Drawings are priced at (7 x 5 inches and smaller) and (Larger
than 7 x 5 inches).
After 8pm, there will be an open bar sponsored by Brooklyn Brewery and
IZZE Sparkling Juice.
If you have questions, please contact Stefania Heim at
sheim [at] artistsspace [dot] org or 212.226.3970 ext. 306
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Does all of the work submitted go on display at the event?
A. Yes. Night of 1,000 Drawings is a non-juried event. Up to two works
by any individual artist will be displayed.
Q. Should my work be framed?
A. No. Work should be submitted unframed, as it is quite difficult for
us to display work submitted with framing in place. Please DO NOT
submit framed work.
Q. Can I pick up my unsold work up after the event?
A. No. If you wish to have unsold work returned to you, you MUST
submit a self-addressed stamped envelope with your drawings.
Q. How will the work be displayed?
A The work will be clipped to laundry-line style cords which will run
through much of the gallery.
Q. I am an artist who has donated work to the event. Do I have to pay
the admission?
A. The event will be free to artists who have donated work ONLY from
5pm to 7pm. Artists who arrive after 7 pm will have to pay the
admission. However, after 8 p.m. there will be an open bar, which might
ease your mind a bit about the fee!
Q. Writing my contact information on the back of my work will damage
it. What should I do?
A. Please attach your contact information to the work by means of some
non-damaging adhesive tape such as drafting tape or a tab with your
info on it. We ask that you do not use Post-It notes to attach your
information onto your work, as Post-Its can and do fall off during the
transport/hanging of the work.
The Electroacoustic Music Association of China (EMAC) and the China
Electronic Music Center (CEMC) based at the Central Conservatory of
Music in Beijing in a special cooperation with the Electroacoustic
Music Studies Network's (EMS) International Conference Series are
pleased to announce their annual festival:
Musicacoustica 2006: Language
October 22nd through 29th
Beijing, China
The week-long MusicAcoustica 2006 festival (22–29 October) will be
focused on the broad theme of Language. EMS06 papers, in more focused
paper sessions (from the 23rd to 26th), will concentrate on a crucial
aspect of language, namely terminology - see the full call for papers
here: http://www.ems.dmu.ac.uk/ems06/. We consider this historical
joint meeting in Beijing as essentially an international summit on the
coherence of electroacoustic music terminology subject to the twisting
and bending of the field in its emerging global context. Music, sound
installations and workshops will further reflect on the theme in all
its breadth and depth.
Chinese composers and academics come together once a year to plan
future directions for the development of computer music in China and to
learn/exchange with their international guests. This year the
Electroacoustic Music Studies Network (EMS) "an international team
which aims to encourage reflection on the better understanding of
electroacoustic music" will be our special guests at the festival. At
the same time, we invite a broad reflection on the theme from experts
in linguistics and music, ontology specification, semantic web, music
knowledge modeling and translation issues related to expert domain
A local motivation for the conference relates to problems in
translation of new terms (such as microsound or phonography) into
Chinese. However, we invite submissions from various perspectives
derived from projects posing new approaches to coherent structuring of
specialized domain knowledges (such as new media - translate smartmob
into Chinese!) which have faced problems with translation issues. The
objective of this ‘summit’ is to create a forum of sustained
co-operation; an international effort towards situating and translating
electronic music concepts and terms within the emerging semantic global
village. Workshops and extended residencies are invited in the days
surrounding the conference.
Deadline for music proposals is May 1, 2006 - to be notified by June
1st. Contact Kenneth Fields, below for more information. Register for
conference updates at:
http://lists.ccom.edu.cn/mailman/listinfo/musicacoustica2006. Detailed
registration information to follow in February of 2006.
Deadline for the EMS papers proposals (abstracts and CV's) is February
26th, 2006. (see paper call for details - above link).
Musicacoustica Organizing committee:
Zhang Xiaofu
President of EMAC;
Director of CEMC at China's Central Conservatory of Music
cemc [at] ccom [dot] edu.cn
Kenneth Fields
CEMC at China's Central Conservatory of Music
Also: Dept of Digital Art and Design, Peking University
ken [at] ccom [dot] edu.cn
Send materials (DVD, CD's) regarding festival to:
MusicAcoustic 2006 C/O
Zhang Xiaofu and Kenneth Fields
CEMC - China Electronic Music Center
Central Conservatory of Music
43 BaoJia Street
Beijing 100031 China,
Tel: 6642-5742
Electroacoustic Music Studies Network Organizers:
MTI (Leigh Landy, EARS ElectroAcoustic Resource Site, MTI Research
Centre, De Montfort University)
INA/GRM (Daniel Teruggi)
MINT (Marc Battier, Musicologie, informatique et nouvelles
technologies, OMF, Université de Paris-Sorbonne)
Kenneth Fields, Ph.D.
Assoc. ProfessorMedia Arts
Dept. of Digital Art and Design
School of Software
Peking University
Beijing 102600 China
Tel PKU: (8610) 6127-3642
Professor / Computer Music
CEMC - China Electronic Music Center
Central Conservatory of Music
Beijing 100031 China
URL: http://cemc.ccom.edu.cn
Tel: 6642-5742
Subject: Appel à propositions - Traverse Vidéo 2006 - Toulouse
Date limite d'envoi des propositions pour la neuvième édition de
Traverse Vidéo : vendredi 10 décembre.
Traverse Vidéo 2006 - L'Etat du Monde
/ Projections - Rencontres - Débats du mardi 7 au samedi 11 mars 2006
/ Installations - Expositions du 7 au 31 mars 2006
Quelques rappels :
/ Propositions d'installation avec cahier des charges précis (matériel,
espace... ) et propositions pour projection ou diffusion sur VHS ou DVD
lisible sur platine de salon .
/ Oeuvres multimédia - CD Rom , DVD Rom interactifs - lisibles sur PC.
/ Pour les monobandes, ne pas oublier d'indiquer durée et date de
Nous attendons des travaux qui répondraient aux préoccupations, qui
produiraient un discours voire qui transmettraient un engagement quant
au Monde ou - à l’inverse - y répondraient par une nette ou une
poétique distanciation.
Plus de précisions (réglement...) sur notre site Internet à partir de
la page d'accueil :http://www.traverse-video.org
Bien à vous.
Traverse Vidéo :
STS Audiovisuel des Arènes
4, place Emile Mâle
31024 Toulouse
tél : 05 62 13 10 00
adresse électronique pour annonces, expositions...
traverse.video [at] laposte [dot] net
adresse électronique pour correspondance
info [at] traverse-video [dot] org
Betreff: 14th Curtas Vila do Conde International Short Film Festival
Antwort an: submissions [at] curtasmetragens [dot] pt
Dear Sir / Madam,
The Curtas Vila do Conde, International Short Film Festival,
being thankful for past film submissions, would like to propose you
the registration of your new short films for its next 14th edition,
that will take place from July 8th to 16th 2006.
All shorts produced in 2005 or 2006; within the duration limit of
60 minutes; film (35 or 16 mm) or video (BetacamSP-Pal); in the
categories of fiction, animation, documentary, experimental or
music videos can be accepted.
The two options to submit a film are:
1. Online submission at: http://www.curtasmetragens.pt/festival
The starting point is to register.
After registry, using the given username and password sent to
your e-mail, you can access an online entry form.
Upon submitting all the required data for each film, a code number
will be returned automatically. This number must be sent along
with the DVD (preferred) or VHS preview copy to the Festival
address. From your login, you may also access the submitted
entry data to verify and eventually correct them.
2. Complete online submission at: www.reelport.com
The starting point is also to register.
After registry, you will be guided through the necessary steps,
from the filling of simple data requests to the automatic upload
of a video file. Preferably, you may also post a DVD preview
copy to the address mentioned on the Reelport website.
You may also, in case of imperious necessity, request an entry form to
filled in manually to submissions [at] curtasmetragens [dot] pt,
to the fax +351 252 248416,
or the telephones +351 252 646516 / 638025.
Please mind that the deadline for reception is April 14th 2006.
We welcome your brand new shorts!
Best regards,
The Curtas Vila do Conde team
14 Curtas Vila do Conde
International Short Film Festival
Auditório Municipal
4480-715 Vila do Conde
GALERIAZERO.COM - gallery of contemporary art -
C/ Canvis Nous 1, 08003 Barcelona, Spain.
phone / fax: +34 933103933 email: bcn [at] galeriazero [dot] com
Directed to artists and art friends.
By means of this letter we like to present our art gallery in Barcelona.
We are situated in the old centre of Barcelona (El Borne) and exist
since 1996.
(Location plan may be found in our website at
http://plan.galeriazero.com )
In our more than 200m2 we basically exhibit contemporary art (
painting, photography
and sculpture) from all over, though occasionally you may find as
well design
( we participate once in the 2 years in the known "primavera del
diseño"), video
and even performance or contemporary ballet.
Artists interested in exhibiting may solicit information at
and send visual documentation (jpeg's or URL) to bcn [at] galeriazero [dot] com
Upcoming collective events: “Contemporary 2005 2006” (December 2005)
“Small = Big VIII” (February 2006 ) and the photography show “People
2” (April 2006)
Our gallery is not active only in Barcelona. We organized art shows in
Louisville / USA, Tokyo / Japan ,Jämsa / Finland , Amsterdam / NL ,
Montreal / Canada and recently in China (www.eastwestart.org )
For any further info or comments, please contact us and we will be
please to attend you.
With kind regards,
The direction of GALERIAZERO.COM
• If this letter is not for you, please let us know and we will not
contact you again.
Aditional Services: GALERIAZERO.COM facilitates as well
space for conference,
meetings, video presentations etc. Visit:
Betreff:VIPER Festival verschoben auf Maerz 2006
VIPER Festival verschoben
"Viper", das internationale Festival für Film, Video und neue
Medien in Basel, wird voraussichtlich vom 16. - 20. März 2006
Weitere Informationen unter: http://www.viper.ch
Emerging Arts Musics Words Cultures Sciences & Resistances
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Rudes about this issue http://god-evil.tk/ zizek in the metro
|||||| Unmoderate (still) ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
////// Archives http://aus7.org/hate/
Get your own Turing Zazie! Comprend des coutumes.
Des lois. Zazie: u-bahn est un élévateur horizontalement
fonctionnant. Mouvement dans le sous-jacent.
Tout cela est un monde. Cliqueter maintenant et réserver...
25. 11. 2005 13:24
Re: und wie geht es uns heute wieder
Am 25.11.2005 um 11:05 schrieb Wolfgang:
> find ich toll das es uns gut geht
ich finde nicht, dass es uns gut geht. frau merkel bereits die welt
schneller als der alte papst und ich sitze immer noch im büro.
25. 11. 2005 11:05
und wie geht es uns heute wieder
find ich toll das es uns gut geht
Gesendet von Mail - Jetzt mit 1GB kostenlosem Speicher
25. 11. 2005 10:39
Re: jeder ascii-flyer ist anschiss
> Mannschaft bestreiten. Also die letzten 1500 mails ist das locker
> ein Ausflug nach
> Rio, Charterflugzeug, Hotel, Übernachtung und ein paar Geschäftsessen
> inbegriffen.
> Lässt sich bestimmt steuerlich absetzen. Krieg ich jetzt denn
> Vorstandsposten?
tut mir leid, die reise geht zunächst nur nach oswiecim, denn wir haben
einen nachholbedarf an allgemeinbildung.
25. 11. 2005 09:26
jeder ascii-flyer ist anschiss
früher gab ne Klassen-, Abteilungskasse, musste man immer nen Haioman
oder nen Zwickel reinwerfen wenn man Worte wie scheiss oder ficken etc.
gesagt hat. Manchmal konnte man den Ausflug zum Welchestag mit der ganzen
Mannschaft bestreiten. Also die letzten 1500 mails ist das locker ein Ausflug nach
Rio, Charterflugzeug, Hotel, Übernachtung und ein paar Geschäftsessen inbegriffen.
Lässt sich bestimmt steuerlich absetzen. Krieg ich jetzt denn Vorstandsposten?